Chapter twenty-four

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Michael's POV

She walked into the bathroom with the blanket wrapped around her naked body, purposly swaying her ass as she walked infront of me. I chuckled and followed her.

She prepared the bath tub, dropped the blanket infront of me, sighed comfortably as she got in the hot water. God, she be taking my house as hers. Oh wait, it's ours.

"Are you just going to stand there?" She asked, her arms resting at the edge of the tub. Where does these erotic thoughts of hers come from?

"I can join?"

"Don't play dumb, come in already." She chuckled, her index finger curling as she signals me to come to her. Damn she's nasty.

I sat down at the other side of the bath tub. Her leg kept on snaking from my foot to my lap, up and down continuosly. "Do that and you'll walk funny tomorrow." I smirked, pinching her legs and she took her legs back.

"Maybe I want to walk funny." She whined, crawling up to me.

I shook my head, "I'm tired." She pouts and crosses her arm. How can she be so horny in the first second and sweet in the another? I dragged her hand softly and she laid down on top of me, her head resting on my chest, she took my arm and wrapped it with her arms. This scene is just beyond peaceful. "What do you think about me now, baby?"

"Mhmm... If I had to choose between breathing and I love you, I would use my last breath to say, I love you." She said, reaching her head up to me and kissed my lips quickly as she was shy. "I want this, us, to last forever."

I grabbed her hands, reaching it to my lips, kissed it and said : "Y'know girl, forever is a long time ; But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side."

"You're making me blush." She giggled, swirling the water with her finger. I caressed her cheek, turning it to me and planted another kiss on her lips.

Our lips parted, she tugged her hair behind her ears shyly. I smirked, "I swear when our lips touch, I can taste the next sixty years of my life."

"Only sixty?" She asked, her hands running all over my arm that was resting on top of her little belly.

"Until my last breath." I chuckled, "if we ever die, I want you to go first."

She turned to me and raised a brow, confused and a little angry, "what do you mean by that?"

"I don't want you to be alone when I am not with you. I can't tolerate watching you crying over me everyday up there, I can't imagine what would you do without me by your side. I rather take those to myself rather than you experiencing those."

"That's sweet," she mumbled, "when are you moving in here?" She asked.

"Well, except for the workers here and you, no other people knows about Neverland. Not even my family." I explained, "well, Neverland is already ready to move in. So, whenever you want to, babygirl." She shook her head and her lips formed a "you choose". I giggled, traced my lower lip as I think of a time, "guess I'm going to make it a suprise then."

"I love it when you give suprises." She smiled, at me. God her smile could literally light up the whole damn world.

"Y'know, I didn't want to fall in love when I was a kid. I thought it was dumb, for some reason." I said, resting my chin on top of her head, "but at some point I saw you and holy shit I blew it." We giggled at my words.

"What do you even see in me anyway?" She asked, playing with her fingers that was underneath the water, "you could have a girl way better than me, ladies line up for you from here to the another side of the world."

I cleared my throat, and started singing my own song : "Hey pretty baby with the high heels on, you give me fever like I've never, ever known. You're just a product of loveliness, I like the groove of your walk, your talk, your dress. I feel your fe-" before I could finish the first part, she cut me off and said : "I get it." And giggled.

"I'll do anything for you. I'll buy you everything you want, I'll take you anywhere you want to go, give you everything I have. I will to throw my hand on a blade, throw myself infront of a train for you. I want the whole wide world knows that Ivory Floyds is Michael Jackson's girl." I said, she blushed. I giggled and continued : "I want everything between us to be perfect. I want many of our children run around Neverland, hmmm, I want more than 5 baby Jacksons. I want us to be forever..."

The next morning

Slowly, I uncover my face. I blink, close my eyes and blink again. Streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and blind me. It was 1 p.m. already as we fall alseep in 6 in the morning last 'night'. I woke up on the bed of Neverland, with Ivory in my arms. She was sleeping peacefully, I wouldn't dare to wake her up.

I got up and cleaned myself, putting on the clothing I was in when we came here last night, I have no other clothes, so no other choice, aye?

Ivory woke up too. She did the same, I swear she barely walks straight after what we did last night. One of the best night of my entire life. I laughed when she suddenly stumbles and fall.

She groaned and glared at me playfully, "stop laughing! You were the cause of this." She pointed at me, I couldn't help myself but to laugh more. "Hmmph."

"Aha..ha- oh fine." I walked to her and picked her up, carrying her bridal style, "happy?" She nodded. I carried her to the car and we made our way back to Hayvenhurst.

We reached there after half an hour, I was helding Ivory as she was walking funny the whole time. God we are so gonna get questioned why.

I opened the door, walked in and carried Ivory up, slowly tip-toeing our way back to my room.

"Where do you think you two are going?" Mother spoke, we turned around and saw her glaring at us with a death stare.

"Upstairs..." I mumbled, low-key sweating as I was nervous as hell. Mother would probably kill me if she knows what happened between me and Ivory last night.

"Come here." She said, motioning us with her hand to tell us to come to her. We didn't have any choice but to obey. Suddenly, Janet walked in with a bitten apple on her hand, sitting beside Mother on the couch. "Can't Ivory walk?" She said, her tone strict as hell.

We're so doomed.


What do yall think about this chapter? In my opinion, probably one of the best coz my stories kinda sucks, phahahaha.
I noticed never write any long messages at the back, smh.

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