Chapter two

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Ivory's POV

He's such a sweet guy, his words comfort me so much. I never thought he will come close to me, people usually run away from me. He was so precious.

After that day where a 15 year old young man came to visit me, he came everyday. Well not everyday, but he comes very often. He'll bring his little sister, he'll bring a guitar, gifts, food and many other goodies. In a week, he'll come and visit 6 days at the most and 4 at the least.

Today is just another sunny day, too bad I still can't experience it. The summer of 1978, it's been 5 years since Michael started visiting me.

Ah I didn't even mentioned, he managed to transfer me to a private room. Well I was bullied by girls there, they were playing around with my things and all and got caught by Michael. Well they wasn't happy about Michael visiting me but not them, I wouldn't care.

"Morning sunshine." Here he comes, again. With a hella lot of food and many goodies.

I couldn't reply, still struggling to speak like a normal person. I can only raise my right hand and wave at him.

He smiled and sat at the chair beside my bed, "hungry?" Oh yes I am, "I bet you are, I just made these myself, your favourite." Oh god, my favourite! Please be chicken porridge with salted eggs... Please be chicken porridge with salted eggs...

He opened the container, ah the smell of the food, damn nice. "Chicken porridge with salted eggs, your all time favourite." He giggled, he knows me well. Well it is considered a favourite, I can't eat much.

He adjusts my bed to make me sit up to eat, he places a napkin around my neck to make sure the spilled food doesn't dirty my clothes. He grabbed the spoon and scooped the porridge up, "The chu-chu train is coming!" I couldn't help myself, I giggled a little and he fed me. As usual, food was spilled, a little. He had to clean it up.

Why do I have to be that clumsy.

I grabbed the pen and wrote words in the paper, "Michael my right hand is still available, I told you I can do it myself."

He read my words and smiled, like an idiot. "And I told you it's fine, I can do this all day."

He's so precious. What did I do to get all of this services from Michael Jackson?

"So, the Elvis fan." He took his guitar out and played with it a little, "what do you want me to sing today?"

"Hound dog?" I wrote, he giggled at my suggestion.

"Girl you should tell me yesterday, I can bring the whole drum set here." Well he has a point, a guitar can't do that song.

He started singing and playing the guitar anyway, "Wise men say," I giggled, he tried to make his voice sound like Elvis, "Only fools rush in." His voice was so angelic, funny at the same time, "But I can't help, falling in love with you." That part always makes me blush, when it is coming from Michael's sweet lil lips. He smirked a little, he must have caught me blushing. Oh god.

"Do you want to walk in the park?" I'd love to! But I can't walk remember? He can't even listen what I am saying! I can't even speak, ugh. "I know you want to," he turned around and took the wheelchair. Nice thinking smart pants, how is he gonna get me into it?

He came to my right side, took my right arm and placed it on his shoulder, then he carried my legs. Now he's carrying me bridal style and then he put me on the wheelchair.

We went down, with the bodyguards. Yeah the annoying bodyguards, I really wish the paparazzis can take a break so they won't be around us.

We walked around the park, I mean - Michael walked, I was sitting. We had a little chat, well he was the one speaking. He was planning to leave The Jacksons and many other things.

After a while, we went back to the hospital room. He settled me to the hospital bed and sat down beside me. His elbow was on the side of the the bed while his hands was carrying his head. His cheeks was pushed up, like a cute hamster. He remained that pose, looking at me.

The silence between us was akward, someone has to break up this akwardness! For god sake.

I decided to tell him something, "what's with all the staring?" I wrote.

"Admiring your beauty."

"What is so beautiful about a girl who is wasted?"

"Don't say that, you're not wasted. Everything about you is beautiful." He tugged my hair to the back of my ears and continued his hamster position.

"You're so cute when you do that. Like a hamster!"

"You're embaressing me." He covered his eyes shyly.

"Shouldn't you be leaving? It's almost 7, I don't want you to be whacked again."

"Joseph can't control me, I'm grown-ass 20 year old man!" After he spoke, this silence came back.

I was tired, already. I closed my eyes and slept instantly.

Sometimes I thought to myself, why must Michael do all these things? I'm just a girl who is a freaking vegetable and can't do anything. I can't walk, speak, eat properly, I don't even have any education after I am 12 years old. As for Michael, he's perfect. He had everything, he could just snap his fingers and every girl would fall for him.

What did I do to deserve all this? All I did in my life was laying down at this hospital bed and having other people's services.

... I'm so wasted.

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