Chapter three

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Michael's POV

"Michael... wakey-wakey.." she placed her hands on my chest, swirling around.

I opened my eyes, and there she was, with her charming eyes and sweet, sparkling pearly whites infront of me. The girl I love so much - Ivory.

"The pancakes are getting warm, I put extra whipped cream and chocolate for you." She stood up from the bed and walked out, making sure she was swaying her ass infront of me. Damn she plays so much.

I went to the dining table with only my pants on, my long, messy curls resting at my shoulders. She was already there waiting for me. I sat down and she cut a piece of the pancake and fed me, "Good boy." She said, and I giggled. She took another piece of pancake,

"Michael... Michael..."

"FOR GOD SAKE! MICHAEL WAKE UP!" I heard someone yell infront of me, it was Janet.

"Wha- What happened to pancakes?" Another dream, god dammit. I was enjoying it.

"You were dreaming about pancakes? My lord... You had too much this morning." She facepalmed and shook her head.

"I haven't kick your ass for interupting my dreams and you're shaking your head." I laughed playfully.

"We're here." The driver informed us.

God I have to stop dreaming about her, those things will never happen. Why would she even want me? In her eyes I might be a dad to her. Talk about my curls though, maybe I should get them.

"Michael you're daydreaming again." Janet waved her hand infront of my eyes, bringing me back to reality.

I didn't reply, we just went straight into the room.

As I step infront of the door, wanting to knock it, I heard voices. I decided to listen what was the voice talking about.

"Yeah, life is hard sometimes... Oh you're lucky! Oh really? Well I won't interrupt you then..." Who the heck? It was a man's voice, "Nah, I have an oppointment this afternoon, I should be leaving though... Yeah I'll miss you... Love you too!" Then the conversation ended and the man's footsteps were getting louder.

The door opened and he was infront of me. He stared at me and gasped.

"Mi-Mi-Mic-" he couldn't even speak in his excitement.

Fans, huh? "Michael Jackson." I helped him finish.

"I- I- I'm a big fan! Can you, ugh, em..." he took a paper out of his breifcase, "sign..sign here? Please Mr. Jackson!" He was shaking, excited like hell.

I smirked playfully and signed it, he took the paper and jumped happily. Oh well, fans, y'know?

I went inside Ivory's room and sat beside her and Janet sat at my lap.

"Morning Ivory!" Janet greeted her and smiled, showing her teeth, Ivory waved her hand at Janet.

I remained calm, cold, quiet. Thinking about that fanboy that came out from Ivory's room and saying he will miss her and he loves her. Who the heck? Why in the world was I thinking about this? What the heck is wrong with you Michael Joseph?

I looked at Ivory and she was looking at me, I bet she was expecting my words.

Janet looked at both of us, she stood up from my lap, "I- I'm gonna go find Bill!" She ran out.

Great, abandoned me. This is so akward, oh god...

I finally decided to break up the akwardness, "Ivory?" I gulped, "Who was that?"

I could see her slightly smirking, she started writing.

"Jealous much?" Jealous? Me? No way, not even a maybe. But, perhaps...

"No, I just wanted to know." Lies, "he was saying loving and missing stuff. Yeah, who is that special guy?"

"Mr. Jackson? More like Mr. Jealous.. XD" she wrote, with a laughing face at the back.

"Girl, you play too much. Who is he?" I cleared my throat and spoke to her with a professional tone.

"Well Mr. Jealous, it's my cousin which take cares of me since my parents, y'know."

Yeah.. I definately know, her parents died in a car accident. She survived, she was still normal when her aunt took care of her, after a year she got this disease.

"Oh." I said, scratching my head with embaressment.

"Mr. Jealous, are you jealous? XD XD." Pff, she has to end her words with that face? God...

"You call it jealousy, I call it fear of losing you." I confessed.

"Why are you losing me? I'm not even your.. you know."

"I- Erm... As a friend... I never had any good friends in my life, when they need me they come to me. When they don't, they just abandon me. Most of them are here just because of my fame." Half truth, half lie. "I take you as my only best friend, you know?"

"Oh Michael... you're not losing me, 'cause you're my only friend. I take you as an idol, a father, a big brother, my bestfriend. I would give anything to spend time with you."

No Michael... No blushing, control... control... Take a deeeep breathe.

"You're such a sweetie..." I smiled, warmly and calmly. "I hope one day I can just walk into your room and see you walking around, talking."

"Me too." She wrote in the paper

The only thing I know now is, I just got friendzoned.

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