Chapter ten

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Michael's POV

It's been 3 days since I last seen Ivory, and she didn't even called that night. I was so disspointed.

Well, the shows in Australia is now finished. Me and the crew decided to stay in Australia, and go around, I guess.

"Why won't she call?" I said, looking down and my hands carrying my head.

"Who is she anyway?" Tatiana, known as my 'The way you make me feel' girl, asked.

"A friend." I replied coldly.

"You gave her your phone right? Can't you just call your number?" Bill suggested, darn he was smart, or maybe I'm dumb, I didn't even thought of that.

"Right... Why didn't I think of that?" My face brightened up a little, I took the phone and started dailing her number, I mean - my old number. "C'mon pick up..."

"Hello?" And there was that sweet voice of hers, if I say I'm not excited I'd be lying.

"Yeah... Hey Ivory." I greeted her shyly, I bet my face is as red as a damn tomato now.

"It's about time you called." She said through the phone.

"What?" Isn't she the one who should be calling me? Why is the gun pointing at me now? "I was the one who told you to call me."

"I tried, how can I call you when you didn't even gave me a number to?" She said, with a little giggle.

"Right..." I facepalmed, "god I'm dumb." I whispered to myself, softly.

"Yes you are." And she heard it, great. "Why are you calling me Michael?"

How can she be so calm while I am sweating a bucket of sweat now. Shouldn't she at least a little nervous?

"I was wondering... if you would like to have lunch with me?" Nice idea Mike, nice one.

"What?" Tatiana suddenly spoke up, "I thought-" Bill covered her mouth and stopped her from talking, thank god.

"Yeah, why not?" Ivory agreed.

I had to say my inner self is jumping around me now, I'm so excited.

"I'll pick you up," I said swiftly, "be ready... now. 10 minutes and I'll be there."

"But you don't even know my-"

"I have my way to track you. Now get ready." I cut her off.

"O-okay..." and she hung up without me syaing goodbye. Oh well.

I grabbed my jacket and put it on, fixed my hair a little. I put on some extra more cologne, who doesn't wants to smell good infront of an angel?

"Michael what the heck?" Tatiana blocked my way and crossed her arms, "you said you were taking me to lunch, remember?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Well sometimes you don't get everything you want. Now Bill let's go!" I dragged him out.

After a few moments, we finally found Ivory's apartment. And she was standing at the entrance, god she was beautiful.

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