chapter 1 musical madness, page 2

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It took another half hour for both of them to arrive. “Soon my ass!” I shouted at Martha as Ellie walked over to us. “Are you going to tell us why we are having a small gathering?” Keeley asked Shannon. Shannon grinned and looked at us all. “Right, I have had a great idea. Since we are all leaving school soon, I was trying to think of a way we could all keep spending time together so we would never lose each other…” she started “that’s nice, can we get to the point a little faster though…” Keeley gestured for her to continue. “Well… I was wondering… why don’t we become a band? We always used to talk about becoming one; we all know how to play instruments and some of us can sing. We already have a name. What do you guys say?” Shannon smiled. We all looked at one another. “We could try, but how would we get noticed?” I answered “there’s a thing called the internet” Shannon smirked “yeah, but still, we need another way as well, like a plan B” Kaya pointed out. “Ok, slow down! First we need to plan from the very beginning, guys!” Ellie grinned “we need something to write on, so we don’t forget anything” Keeley started to search for some paper in her bag “so is that a yes? We’re going to become a band?” Shannon squilled with excitement “yes” the rest of us chorused. “I have some paper!” I exclaimed pulling it out of my bag and waving in the air, with a pen too. We all found a bench and started to plan everything.

     It only took us a few minutes to come up with the basics. But still, the paper was almost full with writing. It looked like this:

Band notes

Name: midnight neon      Genre: pop and rock


Lead guitar: Martha             Main singers: Ellie and Katelyn

Acoustic guitarist: Katelyn      Bass: Kaya

Keyboard/piano: Keeley         Drums: Shannon     sound effects: Ellie

“That seems good enough” Keeley commented “our work here is done” Martha laughed. We all paused for about 5 seconds. What do we do now? “We need to find a place to rehearse” I mumbled to myself “yeah, we do” Ellie answered “my house?” I suggested “my dad has every instrument that we need, plus no one uses the garage for anything anymore.” I added “that was sorted quickly. When should we start?” kaya smiled “now? I’ll ask my mum to pick us up, or we could walk?” I answered “Katelyn, we are all the laziest people on earth, why would we walk?” Keeley commented “good point” I grinned. I pulled my phone out and called my mum. This was it. We were really about to become a band!

        Less than 30 minutes later, we were all at my house, setting everything up. I had already asked my mum if we could meet up every week and rehearse and she just replied “well I’m glad that you’re finally figuring out what you want to do when you leave”. Now we were all just trying to figure out what places we should go. “Well, I think me and Katelyn should be at the front, because we’re the singers” Ellie pulled my arm to the front of garage where we had put up two microphones wired to some small speakers. “Martha and I should go at the sides and you two behind us and in-between the gaps.” Kaya pointed at where she meant and everyone went to their places. “Ok… what song do we all know how to play?” Ellie asked everyone “Loud by R5” me and Martha both shouted, excited. We all loved R5; they inspired us to play the instruments that we played. “YES” everyone else agreed. Then I said the first lyrics “come on get loud”. Then, everyone started to join in with their instruments and Ellie just began to clap her hands to the beat.


Me: looking for the one tonight, but I can’t see you. Cause I’m blinded by all the lights. Oh.”

Ellie: and I can never get it right, I need a breakthrough. Why are you so hard to find. Oh.

Then Keeley started to sing into her microphone which was attached to her keyboard

Keeley: I’ve been searching every city, never giving up. ‘Til I find my angel, diamond in the rough. Looking for a signal…

Me: Baby turns it up tonight!!!

Everyone: c’mon get loud, loud, let it out. Shout it out from the rooftops. C’mon get loud ‘til they shut us down. C’mon get loud, loud, let it out. Show me everything that you’ve got. C’mon get loud, loud, I need you now…

Ellie: baby let me hear you loud.

This was incredible, we sounded great already. We did need to improve a few things, but it was still amazing. The feeling of it all was beyond describable.

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