chapter 4 crazy concert, page 14

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The music faded out and I looked around at everyone. Then the introduction to music feels better came on and the stage filled with rays of neon colours. Our instruments were pushed quickly into the centre of the stage and we all got into our signature positions. Then I instantly began to sing

Me: all I need is love. That’s what you give, I’m taking it tonight.

Ellie: all I need is touch. That’s what I feel, when your skin’s on mine.

Me: and with you the music’s better. Just want us to be together

Shannon: 24 7

Me: and all of the colours brighter, cause you set me up on fire.

Shannon: the music feels better with

Shannon+Kaya+Ellie+me: you-ou-ou-ou-ou. So much better with you-ou-ou-ou-ou. Music feels better with you-ou-ou-ou-ou. So much better with you-ou-ou-ou-ou-ou. Music feels better with

Ellie: youuuuuuuu

Shannon+Kaya+Ellie+me: the music feels better with

Ellie: youuuuuuuu

I kept dancing to the beat. Being on stage felt amazing. I looked around the crowd and saw loads of really colourful, creative and flattering banners. Every time I made eye contact with someone they would scream and instantly tell their friends. Being famous was amazing. Ross was right, I didn’t need to worry.

        We had just finished our final song and we had said thanks and goodnight. We ran off stage, but when we did, all we could hear was “encore, encore, encore, encore…” we all grinned at each other and ran back on stage. Everyone screamed again and we started to play our very last song of the night. Put your hearts up.

Shannon: Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah. Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah. If we give a little love maybe we can change the world.

Me: you think you’re so small like you’re iddy biddy. Just one match in the lights of the city. Walking by strangers on the side of the street. Like a quarter in a cup’ll get ‘em off on their feet, like.

Keeley: You think you’re never gonna make your mark. Sit back and watch the world while it falls apart, like out of sight, out of mind, like, like it’s just a waste of time, like, like, like.

Shannon+Ellie: Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, yeah, yeah. If we give a little love maybe we can change the world.

Martha+Kaya: I said, hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, yeah, yeah. Sing it if you’re with me all you boys and all you girls.

Me+Keeley: Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah. Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah. If we give a little love maybe we can change the world.

I was looking around the crowd again and I was pointing at a people when anyone said “we” in the song or “you’re” and I saw some people crying! Today had been an amazing birthday.

      We finished the song and the crowd roared and cheered. “Thank you so much!” Shannon shouted “okay, we would like to thank our band bffs R5, they are epic” Keeley, smiled and then, R5 came on stage. “But most of all… we want everyone to sing happy birthday to our lead singer, acoustic guitar player and crazy but awesome best friend, Katelyn!” Kaya laughed, pointing at me. Then all of R5 started to sing, then the crowd did, then the others did. I couldn’t stop laughing. It was so weird. I felt myself turning bright red and by the time they were finished, I was a crying tomato. They all walked over and gave me a hug each. But when Ross hugged me, Rocky pushed us together and started to chant “Rosslyn, Rosslyn, Rosslyn…” than Ross pulled back and smiled at me “get your cameras ready” he said to the audience, then he looked at me again, he took a deep breath then said “Katelyn, I have loved you since the day I met you. Will you be my girlfriend?” I froze. My jaw almost dropped wide open. The crowd began to scream and I heard many awww’s. I couldn’t get my words out, so I nodded. He grinned even wider, and I mirrored it. Then he leaned in and I did too. And all of a sudden, his lips were on mine. It wasn’t a long kiss, but it was still a kiss! We pulled back at the same time and I couldn’t stop grinning. “Happy birthday, Katelyn” he smiled.

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