chapter 6 great goodbye, page 21

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(Martha’s POV)

It was time to leave. We weren’t going to see R5 again for quite a while. I didn’t want to say goodbye. Especially to Rocky. I was waiting with Ellie and Keeley as we watched Katelyn, Kaya and Shannon say goodbye and get kisses and hugs and romantic things said to them. I was a tiny bit jealous. Then I decided to say a proper goodbye to Rocky. I strided over to him confidently “Rocky” I started “yeah” he turned to face me, I looked into his beautiful brown eyes “I just wanna say that I’m really going to miss you” I blushed a little “I’ll miss you too” he smiled and then he hugged me. I hugged him back. “Martha we need to go to the airport! Now!” I heard Keeley yell to me. I let go of Rocky and he let go of me. “Bye” he waved as I got into the taxi. Then we drove off.

(Rocky’s POV)

I threw myself onto my bed. Martha was gone, and I felt miserable now, knowing I wasn’t going to see her every day for a while was really hard for me. She was just so…her. “Rocky?” Riker asked, I looked up from my pillow and I saw Riker in the doorway “yeah” I mumbled “what’s wrong?” he asked sitting next to me “Martha…” I answered “I’m guessing you miss her already?” Riker smiled slightly “I know how you feel. But the thing is, why don’t you tell Martha that?” “Tell Martha what?” I asked, confused. “That you feel this way about her. I’m sure she feels the same way” Riker grinned, I hesitated for a second “even if I wanted to, I don’t want to do it over any sort of technology, and I want to do it in person. But at the same time, I want to tell her now.” I whispered “the airport” Riker said suddenly “what?” “If we leave now we might be able to catch them!” Riker stood up “we?” I asked “yeah, I want to see Kaya again” Riker blushed a little. I stood up with a smile “what are we waiting for” and I ran out of the door.

(Martha’s POV)

We were now at the airport. I dragged myself over to the desk and gave a woman my passport. She nodded and I walked away “Martha! No! Wait!” I heard someone yell behind me. I turned and gasped, rocky was running towards me. He got to me and stared at me “Rocky! What are you doing here? You-“ he pushed his lips against mine and I did the same. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. I got on my tiptoes and put my arms around his neck. I never wanted this to end. My heart was pounding against my chest. My head spinning around at the thought of this being reality. Suddenly someone tapped me on the shoulder “Martha, we need to go” Ellie whispered, she smiled at me sympathetically. I turned back to Rocky “please don’t go” he cried, I backed away “I’m sorry, I have to…” I apologised. Then I turned and walked away. I felt a lump in my throat as I did “but I love you!” he shouted at me, I stopped and turned to him. I wanted to stay so bad, but I knew I couldn’t. I shook my head and turned and walked away again. I had only just realised that the whole time Riker had been shouting Kaya’s name. I looked at her and saw that she wasn’t turning to him. Tears running down her face. She was obviously too upset to say goodbye again. I turned to Riker “she loves you. Don’t forget that” I yelled at him. He nodded and Kaya turned to me “thank you” she mouthed. Then, we all walked into the next room. I felt a horrible pain in my stomach as we left. I wanted to stay more than anything in the world!

       We got on the plane and we had seats that were all far apart from each other. I sat down in mine and put my head in my hands and let the tears come out. Someone sat next to me, but I didn’t look up. “Hey, are you okay?” a man asked me “I think so…” I sniffed. I looked up and gasped a little, the man was Siva from the wanted! He was looking at me with worried eyes, but as I looked up, his face turned to shock “are you Martha from midnight neon?” he asked in his strong Irish accent, I nodded slowly “wow. Where’s the rest?” he asked interested “I have no idea” I answered looking around “well, anyway, why are you crying?” he asked “um… it doesn’t matter, it’s complicated” I whispered “I got time” he shrugged with a grin.

(Katelyn’s POV)

Kaya and I were trying as hard as we could not to fan girl, because sat right in-between us was Nathan Sykes from the wanted! In my head I was screaming like hell, but in reality I was just playing with my fingers. “Why am I surrounded by neoners?” he randomly laughed “neoners?” Kaya asked “yeah, you don’t know what your own fan base is called?” he asked confused “we know, but I just didn’t think that we would count as part of our own fan base” I answered “well… you are” Nathan smiled “what are you doing here?” I continued “we just finished an album signing for word of mouth.” Nathan explained “wow. We just finished our tour around Britain and America” Kaya answered “how was it?” Nathan asked “amazing” I replied “what happened?” he asked. Then Kaya and I began to tell him.

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