chapter 8 fantastic fans, page 27

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       The next morning, we all went out in a huge group. But then, we decided to split up. All the girls went to girly places and the boys when to the gym. First of all, we all went to buy magazines. I picked up a random magazine and I instantly gasped! It was a picture of Midnight neon and R5, I turned to the page it said the article was on and I instantly began to read. It was obviously from a few days ago because it didn’t have any news about Mocky being together, but it said;

Shipping’s come true

First it was Rosslyn, then Shatliff and now Riya! We are all waiting to hear the news for Keeley, Martha and Ellie. The girls have been getting busy. Will Ryllie be real? Will Mocky ever be together? We asked R5 questions in a recent interview, and their little brother AKA manager Ryland Lynch.

We asked Riker first about his love story with Kaya and he replied “they are all extremely talented girls in Midnight neon. But for me, Kaya just stuck out, in a good way. Like the sun sticks out in the sky. That may sound cheesy, but it’s true. I love her and I hope I stay with her forever”. Awwwww!

Next, we asked Ellington about his drumming heartbeat for Shannon, his answer was “I bonded with her a lot more than the other girls. We had a lot to talk about since we’re both drummers. She’s an epic drummer and singer. She is also kind, funny, smart, creative, cute… I could go on forever”. How adorable!

Then, we asked Rydel about what she thought about her girl BFF’s dating her brothers. She answered “it’s awesome! I already consider them as family, but this is even better! Sometimes I get a little protective over my brothers because I don’t want a girl to break their hearts because I hate to see them sad. But, I know I can trust these girls to be gentle with their hearts”. What an amazing sister the boys have got!

Rocky had the next question ans he simply answered “I love Martha. But I don’t know how she feels. Right now, I think we’re at that stage where you’re in between friendship and being a couple. But hopefully, she’ll soon make her decision”. I think we’re all holding our breaths on this one!

Ross was thrilled with his question and he answered enthusiastically “I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Katelyn is awesome! The neoners of this world are right to love them. I think that the best thing about Katelyn is that she knows what she is doing, even if everyone else has no clue. I think it’s cool”. What an amazing boyfriend he is to her!

I was about to read Ryland’s when suddenly Ellie snatched the magazine out of my hand “what the…?” “Um… don’t read it” she answered quickly “why not?” I folded my arms “because…” she slowly answered “because what?” “Just because” I sighed and walked away. What was wrong with me reading an article?

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