chapter 7 surprising signing, page 22

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It had been almost 2 months since we had last seen R5… in person. Almost every night we had skyped or facetimed them, none of us went a day without taking to one of them. Martha and Rocky weren’t a couple, they had just kissed, that was it. When they talked they were awkward with each other. I didn’t understand why he wouldn’t just ask her out or why she wouldn’t! But we weren’t all alone; we had now become really good friends with the wanted. We saw them a lot and we always had loads of fun together. Anyway… the magazines were gossiping like mad about Rosslyn, Riya and Shatliff, plus a little about Mocky, which made Martha more depressed about the fact they weren’t going out.

        We were all sat in the kitchen with the wanted. We were all skyping R5 in their living room. “So what are you guys doing this weekend?” Riker asked “absolutely nothing” Keeley answered “do you wanna meet up in London?” Riker suddenly asked “YES!” Kaya screamed “so you’re just gonna drop everything and meet us in London?” Ellie asked raising an eyebrow “no. we talked to Adam earlier in the week and he said that we could perform at one more place for a bonus to the tour because we didn’t perform in West Minister. So, we can meet up in London on the weekend and perform, then we could all hang out and spend Christmas together” Ross explained we all nodded a little “I would really love that” I grinned. “Ok. Well, we need to go. I guess we’ll see you on Saturday. Bye” Rocky said “bye” they hung up and we all sighed “can we go too?” Nathan asked “sure, that would be awesome” Shannon smiled “I’m hungry. Can we get some lunch?” Jay asked “yeah. We can go to McDonald’s” I suggested “McDonald’s? Really?” Keeley sighed “yes! It’s awesome!” i stated “fine. Let’s go…” Keeley sighed then we all walked out of the door.

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