chapter 9 Couples Christmas, page 37

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     The concert had ended and we were now going out to different places. Martha and Rocky were at Trafalgar square, Kaya and Riker were at the river Thames, Shannon and Ratliff were at the tower bridge, Keeley and Dan were outside Buckingham palace and Ross and I were at the London eye. Rydel was going back to our hotel and watching a movie while Ellie and Ryland were at London Bridge. Something was happening between Ellie and Ryland, all of us could see it.


Ross and I were walking down the path to the London eye, we were holding hands and there was an awkward silence between us “I’ve got a part in the Muppets most wanted” he randomly blurted out. I shot him a confused glare “when did you audition?” I asked “a few weeks ago. You were asleep when I got the part and I didn’t want to wake you. After that I couldn’t really find time to call you and I forgot at times because I had other things on my mind” he explained, I stopped in my tracks “like what?” he looked at me and could tell I was a little pissed “just things” he replied “you should know by now that I don’t care if you wake me. Sure, if it was Rocky I would kick his ass, but I wouldn’t care if you did” I assured him, he nodded but I didn’t think he was really taking in what I just said “anyway, what’s the part?” I sighed, not wanting it to turn into an argument “it’s not big, I only have a line. I’m a florist.” He explained “awesome” I smiled half-heartedly, not knowing what else to say. We started to walk again and soon enough we were on the London eye. We were both looking out separate windows when suddenly Ross mumbled “I don’t like waking you”. I turned to face him “didn’t we leave this convocation on the street?” I moaned “nope” he shook his head, now he was the one who was pissed “I never like waking you” he carried on “you’ve never woken me…” I trailed off “yes I have! When we were on tour I woke you up when we were all on the tour bus, remember? You tried to hit me!” he exclaimed “that was you! I thought it was Rocky or Riker or something! I’m sorry…” I gasped “it’s fine. But I really don’t like waking you.” We both went silent for a moment “are there any girls with you in the movie?” I asked “I don’t know” he shrugged “please don’t get jealous if there are though…” he carried on “what! Do you really think I would get jealous over that! Seriously Ross, get over yourself” I snapped “you are the kind of girl who gets jealous though” he replied, I shot him an evil glare and he was still looking out of the window as if he hadn’t said anything “when? When have I been jealous?” I yelled “when you met Laura…” “I was not jealous! She seems like a great person, get over yourself, seriously Ross! If anything you’re the jealous person here!” I hissed, he instantly looked at me “what?” he asked “when you first met Nathan! Everyone saw how jealous you were! Kaya and Shannon both confronted me about it the next day when you weren’t there! Even Nathan confronted me about it!” I yelled “calm down” he yelled back “no Ross! You think I get jealous over a girl you work with? I’m sorry but I’m not one of your little fangirls who throws themselves all over you! I live with the fact that hundreds of girls would die to be your girlfriend every single day and it doesn’t bother me” I yelled again “you used to be one of the fangirls though” he pointed out “are you seriously pointing that out?” I snapped. He looked at the floor for a moment then he looked up at me “it doesn’t bother you?” he croaked, a little upset, I looked away from his brown eyes because I know I would melt inside if I looked at them. “It doesn’t bother me because…” I trailed of “because?” he asked. As soon as he asked that, it was time for us to get out of our pod. The doors opened and I stormed out, leaving Ross behind me “Katelyn! Come back! Are you seriously mad?” I heard Ross shout after me, but I kept walking. To be honest, I wanted to avoid him, not because of what had just happened, but because I didn’t know how to finish the sentence from earlier. Why doesn’t it bother me? Why doesn’t the fact that one day Ross could meet an amazing girl at a meet and greet and he ends up loving her bother me? I couldn’t end that sentence if it killed me… because to be honest… I didn’t know how he felt anymore.

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