chapter 9 Couples Christmas, page 38

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(Kaya’s POV)

Riker and I were walking down the side of the river Thames. We were having a great time. The river looked beautiful in the moonlight. We sat down next to the water and ignored the world around us, the cars and people going past meant nothing to us, all I knew was that I loved him. “I’ve never seen London like this. I never knew a place in Britain could be this amazing” I breathed “yep. Britain is full of beautiful things. Sites, houses, you…” he trailed off, I turned to him and blushed, holding back a huge grin “don’t lie Riker” I mumbled “ok. I did lie. You’re not beautiful… you’re just indescribable. You’re talented, smart, funny, crazy, beautiful and above all you’re kind.” He looked into my eyes and smiled, I was completely speechless. “Believe me, I could go on forever but those are just the first things that popped into my head.” He admitted, I smiled and looked at the river. I was trying my best not to have a fangirl attack… or a heart attack. He slowly moved closer to me until he was touching me. He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him; I leaned against his chest and felt the warmth of his body. I felt really happy! He suddenly moved and pulled something out of his pocket “I know that I’ve already given you your present… but I really wanted to give you this…” he smiled. He gave me a little box and inside was the most amazing ring I had ever seen! “Omg! Riker it’s amazing!” I gasped, putting it on, admiring the little diamonds on it. “I knew you would like it” he smiled, kissing my head “I don’t like it, I love it. And I love you” I grinned “I love you too” he whispered and he slowly leaned in and kissed me. We kissed for ages, not ruining the moment for even a second. Suddenly, we both jumped when we heard Ross not too far away from us. He was outside the London eye and he was shouting to Katelyn. Did they have a fight? By the way he was shouting her name I could tell that she had gotten pissed off and walked away. Riker and I both exchanged worried and confused glances. We got up and walked towards the sound, holding hands, obviously Katelyn and Ross weren’t having a night like mine.


(Shannon’s POV)

 We were on Tower Bridge, standing in the same place that Ratliff asked me out… and kissed me for the first time. We stared into the water and I let myself flash back to that night. Suddenly, he interrupted by saying my name “Shannon. You know I love you, don’t you?” he whispered, I looked at him and nodded “um… yeah” I answered slowly “why don’t you sound sure?” he asked “i… um… don’t know” I stuttered “well, I do love you. More than I love drumming, more than I love moustaches, more than…” “More than moustaches!” I interrupted, shocked “yeah. I love you more than anything” he smiled “I love you too” I replied, lovingly. He looked into my eyes and gently kissed me. He pulled away and handed me a little wrapped gift. “How did I not notice that?” I laughed “yeah, it’s another present” he smiled, he handed it to me. I opened it and gasped… it was a teddy Cheetah! It was so fluffy and cute, I loved Cheetahs… but how did Ratliff know? I hadn’t told him that. “How did you…” I started “Martha told me” he explained “ohhh” I answered. He chuckled a little and put his arm around my shoulders and kissed the top of my head “I love you” he whispered “I love you too” I whispered back “I know” he chuckled, I giggled.

Suddenly, we both turned around when we heard Ross shouting Katelyn. He was walking across the bridge calling at the top of his lungs. Ratliff and I looked at each other then we walked over to Ross. “Hey, what’s up?” Ratliff asked “I don’t know where Katelyn is!” Ross panicked “what! Why? What happened!?!” I gasped. It wasn’t like Katelyn to do that. He must have done something really bad. Just as Ross said that, Kaya and Riker came across the bridge. “What’s happening?” Kaya asked holding Riker’s hand “yeah, we were having a great night together when we suddenly heard you calling your girlfriend. Just because you can’t keep your girlfriend, doesn’t mean that you have to ruin my time with mine” Riker sniggered, Ross gave him a death glare “what the hell is happening?” Kaya asked again. Ross sighed and explained everything to us.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2014 ⏰

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