chapter 3 amazing award, page 11

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       Everyone was outside. Loads of different types of fans were outside. Directioners, R5ers, rushers, arianators, Victorians… loads! Then someone screamed “ITS MIDNIGHT NEON!” I turned and saw a girl jumping up and down pointing at us. Then we walked over to her “omg! I love you all” she squilled “aww. What’s your name?” Shannon asked “Shannon” the girl answered “high five fellow Shannon” Shannon held out her hand and the girl high fived her, then screamed. I laughed a little over her reaction. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw Ross walking towards us. Then I was distracted by the girl asking us to take a picture with her “sure” we all agreed and we took a picture with her one at a time. When I took a photo with her I put my arm around her. Then after the picture she hugged me really tightly and I hugged back. This all felt so amazing! “You’re so sweet with fans” Ross commented to me as he walked over “well, I know how they feel. I used to be head over heels about a band, I still am!” I replied “what band?” he asked “um...” I looked at the floor and blushed “R5?” he asked “yep” I mumbled “wow. I knew we had amazing fans, but I didn’t know they were this amazing! One should not underestimate their fan base” he smiled, I giggled a little. “Hey, do you guys wanna join us for dinner today?” he asked all of us “sure” I answered “hi Ross I’m Ellie” Ellie held out her hand “I know, you’re all a very talented group of girls” he grinned, shaking Ellie’s hand. “When should we meet you?” Keeley asked “we could go now. It’s getting sort of late” he suggested. We all nodded and we went to dinner.

      We all had an amazing time at dinner. Rocky wouldn’t make us stop laughing! Now we were all on our way to “get shaved” which was a place where you could get shaved ice. We all got ones of our favourite colours. Then we all sat down on a huge table and ate our shaved ice. “So, what do you have planned in September?” Riker asked “we’re a little busy, I guess. We have 1 weeks’ worth of photo shoots. Then we are getting interviewed for 10 magazines in 10 days in a row and finally we are going to be on a few radio stations and some TV shows.” Martha answered. I looked at her shocked. I didn’t even know half of that was happening! “ You seem organized” Rocky commented “well I have to be when these guys never remember anything” she gestured towards us and laughed a little. “are you guys gonna release an album soon?” Rydel asked “we need about 7 to 12 more songs and then we are going to release our first album” Kaya replied “can’t wait” Riker smiled at her, I knew Kaya was dying inside when he did. “It’s getting really late now. I think we need to go.” Rydel said looking at the time on her phone. “Well, it’s been great meeting you. Hope we meet up again soon” they all got up and so did we. Rocky got out a pen randomly. “Give me your arm” he told Martha, she did and he wrote something on it “it’s my number” he said as he finished. Then Riker gave Keeley a piece of paper with his on. Then we all said goodnight. We all walked in different directions. I turned and saw them turn the corner. I hung my head, I wished that Ross had given me his. We were just about to turn our first corner when, suddenly, I heard someone shout my name “Katelyn!” I turned and saw it was Ross. He was running towards me “yeah” I answered “call me” he gave me a little piece of paper with rushed writing on it. “I will” I smiled putting it in my pocket. Then he ran back around the corner. I turned back to everyone and they were all smiling at me as if to say “he likes you!”. I grinned at them and we all walked around the corner. We had some new inspiration, something told me that our album would be finished soon…

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