chapter 9 Couples Christmas, page 32

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(Kaya’s POV)

Riker wasn’t in the living room, or the kitchen, or any of the bedrooms. He wasn’t in the room at all! And suddenly I realised… Keeley, Ratliff, Ellie and Katelyn were gone too .“Maybe he’s turned into Spiderman and is hiding on the ceiling” Shannon laughed “um… no” I shook my head. Then, Rydel walked over to me and said “I know where he is” “where!” I gasped. She walked out of the door and I followed. We got into the elevator and went to bottom floor. As soon as we got out, the first thing I saw was Riker standing behind a microphone. And there stood next to him was Katelyn, behind them was Keeley and Ratliff. They all had their instruments out except for Ellie who was at the side and had some sound affect equipment out. “This is my Christmas present for you Kaya, it’s called wishlist” Riker said into the microphone sweetly. Then the music began


You make my heart beat, Faster than you know, when you meet me, underneath the mistletoe. 'Cause all I want for Christmas, Is a kiss. Just a kiss. One kiss from you.

All dressed up, Sweet as a candy cane. My angel brighter than the one on top of the tree. Ooh – ee. So sweet. But ooh. Every single move (every move I make). My eyes on you (my eyes on you). Making it harder to sleep. But if I don't close my eyes, Santa can't bring to me ooh. And all the presents under the tree, they don't compare to you and me. Outside, the snow is falling, inside, the temperature's rising.

You make my heart beat, Faster than you know, when you meet me, underneath the mistletoe. 'Cause all I want for Christmas, Is a kiss. Just a kiss. One kiss from you. Saint Nick, Mr Santa Claus, You know my wishlist really isn't long. All I want for Christmas is a kiss. Just a kiss. One kiss from you.

Woah oh oh oh woah

Cuddled up right by the fire, Think I hear those jingle bells. Ringing right down the street.Ooh – ee. So sweet. Were cuddled up, you and me. All the presents under the tree, they don't compare to you and me. Sweet dreams can't wait 'til morning, 'Cause tonight, Santa is coming.

You make my heart beat, Faster than you know, when you meet me, underneath the mistletoe. ‘Cause all I want for Christmas, Is a kiss. Just a kiss. One kiss from you. Saint Nick, Mr Santa Claus, You know my wishlist really isn't long.All I want for Christmas, Is a kiss. Just a kiss. One kiss from you.

All the presents under the tree, they don't compare to you and me. Sweet dreams can't wait 'til morning, ‘Cause tonight, Santa is coming.

You make my heart beat, Faster than you know, when you meet me, underneath the mistletoe. 'Cause all I want for Christmas, Is a kiss. Just a kiss. One kiss from you. Saint Nick, Mr Santa Claus, You know my wishlist really isn't long. All I want for Christmas is a kiss. Just a kiss. One kiss from you.

The music stopped and loads of people started to clap. I felt tears swell up in my eyes and I ran over to Riker. I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same. He picked me up and spun me around. He put me down then pointed up, I looked and saw that we were under some mistletoe. I looked back at him and grinned, he grinned back and we both leaned in. his lips touched mine and everyone started to go “awww”. He pulled away and I looked up at him “merry Christmas” he smiled “my gift sucks compared to yours” I laughed, pulling a wrapped gift out of my bag without looking away from him. I handed it to him and he unwrapped it. He chuckled a little at it, it was a blue tie with the R5 symbol on it. “Yeah, I know, I’m the worst at buying gifts” I sighed “no… I love it” he grinned widely, then kissed me again. “When does the show start?” he asked as he pulled away “3 hours. Which means that we all need to get ready.” Katelyn answered for me “do we have to wear costumes?” Ratliff asked “no. well… I hope not anyway…” Katelyn shrugged. “Well, you guys can go upstairs and get ready while we pack up” Rydel smiled. Katelyn, Ellie and I all nodded and walked over to the elevator “bye” I waved at Riker “see you later” he waved back.

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