Lost and Out of Place

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Jamie P.O.V.

Everyone has a backstory. Some are pleasing and others give you nightmares. Mine wouldn't give you nightmares, it'd make you give me pity.

And that is one thing I despise.

When I say I'm okay? I'm okay.

So what's my backstory? I, myself, don't know a big chunk of it. So this is all I can tell you: my dad took me with him when he left my mom.

Clue: sometimes he calls me Eva- who is Eva? I've never known anyone named Eva in my life.

Clue: he has a picture of a girl. I would say it's my mom but that wouldn't make sense. Eva maybe?

Sorry, that's all I know. And that's all I've learned in my life. I've tried asking my dad but he just pushes my curiosity away.

I'm curious to see my mom. Sometimes I even doodle pictures of what she could look like, what'd we have in common, and all of that. Call me stupid or lame- but it's all I have of her.

I look up from my doodles to hear a voice.

"Excuse me. Can you please send Jamie Daves to the front office?" The voice in the announcement system asks.

"Jamie? Oh yes, I'll send her in a minute." My english teacher, Mrs. Thomas replies, more like yells, to the invisible voice. I gather my stuff and am heading out when Mrs. Thomas shoves a few papers in my hands. They are english assignments that she expects me to turn in tomorrow. I quickly stick them in a folder so I won't lose them.

Once I come into the office I check in and sit down. Three minutes later a woman with red hair comes in and greets me.

"Jamie, right?" I nod. "Oh it's such a pleasure to meet you! I'm Mrs. Granth, have you heard of me?" I shook my head, as if to say no. "Oh." She sounds hurt. Oops. "Well I work with Emily Daves, I mean your mother." She must've known she said something wrong because she stuttered with her next words.

"I-I'm sorry. Um-did I-uh say something uh-wrong?" I wanted to cry but I wanted to know more about what this had to do with me so I simply asked, "Um sort of. But could you please tell me what this has to do with me?"

"I was going to tell you your mother is fine, out of risk I mean." Ms. Granth says with unease.

"Okay. But what was wrong with her before?"

"You don't know? Your mother had cancer. And I'm here to take you in for a test to see if you have cancer in your genetic traits."

First chapter, oh dang.

Oh! The only things that will ever be bold will be point of views and my author note/ comments at the end. (Except for emphasis on words and TFIOS references :p )

Like my TFIOS reference? :p

Try to check out my other books too- if possible. Thanks a ton!!!!


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