What's He Hiding?

202 11 8

Jamie's P.O.V.

My instincts are usually right and right now they're telling me that my dad has arrived at the Granths house by now.


Time. That's all I want. And frankly I quite need it too.

Think Jamie think. What would your dad be so frantic about? What can I not learn about?

Jonathan Daves is a clean man by what his rep, ego, and words say. But could there be more that I'm so absently skipping over?

Even though he's my dad, he rarely ever talks about his past with me. As a kid, I would question about my mom frequently but always received such unsatisfying answers, they did nothing to subdue my curiousness. As I grew older, I eventually stopped asking, because asking my dad about my mom was like driving on a dead end street: you knew where you'd end up every time.

I never thought my dad was mysterious. But it may only be because when you're a little girl, your dad is your hero, your role model, your look up to guy. So I never questioned stuff I felt he was uncomfortable with. And if I ever did, I tredded lightly.

I am a good girl. Following daddy's orders and followed the rules. I was always curious about my mother but I always believed that things happen for a reason, and my dad may be quiet about this stuff for a reason.

But was that the reason I was feeling so lost now?

What could he be hiding? My dad, a clean man, straightforward kinda guy, what does he even have to hide?

As I look up from my puddled thoughts I notice the luxurious grand palace-house in front of me. Should I walk around s'more or walk in now?

"Jamie?" A voice calls out.

I look up to see Angelina. Guess that answered my question.

"Mmhmm?" I reply.

"Your dad's kinda inside, in a pissy mood."

My face falls, as does hers. Great. This shall be fun to face the wrath of dad!

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