Hope and a Gift

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(Sorry that last one wasn't as long as I hoped but I really wanted to stop writing there, and I don't want to ruin the moment with a long authors note so adios!)

Jamie's P.O.V

Tears are streaming from my eyes like a river. After all these years I thought I would have more to look at; right now I have is a mom who looks weak but hopeful.

Hope. I've always been intrigued by that word. In the darkest of times, some optimistic people always see a light shining through guiding them. In the past, no matter how hard times were people would rejoice in religion. They would have hope that one day everything would be fine, and if not for them then for their children, or grandchildren.


I look over to Mrs. Granth and realize she was in the middle of a conversation. I guess when I'm drowning in my own tears, I'm so focused on the water that I can't hear anything.

I see Mrs. Granth with a tense look on her face. Their voices are too quiet to be heard from feet away. It is obvious they don't want anyone to hear- or probably me to hear.

I read their lips and I wish I hadn't.

The doctors lips read, "The reports were false. It was a glitch in the machine that was programmed for another condition. She still has cancer, and now, worse than ever. The last time she spoke a word was six hours and-" checks his watch, "going on nineteen minutes. Try to get her to speak. Also, she hasn't been eating or moving very much."

Mrs. Granth wipes a tear from her eye and speaks, "Well today is different. I have brought with me a special gift for her today; her daughter."

With that the doctor looks over to me. He gasps as the same recognition as with the nurse's eyes occurs. He nods towards me and I take a few steps closer.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Anderson. I've been helping your mother for the past two and a half years-" I cough, two and a half years?? And I find out now??

"and it's been a pleasure but I'm sorry to tell you her health and progress which at one point was increasing, is now declining."

My face falls, and the doctor pauses a second to try to come up with a new method to deliver the news.

"But that is all behind us. We have never had her see her daughter here. Try to speak to her and hold her hand, do whatever you please. She is your mother after all."

I whimper and cry more, silently. If it hadn't been for the thousands of tear streaming down my face I might've looked fine.

Not knowing what to say, I say the first thing I want, "Can I talk to her alone?"

The doctor hesitates but nods his head and tells the nurses my request. Angelina and Mrs. Granth were close enough to hear my request and left immediately. The nurses followed after, and the doctor last, closing the door on his way out.

I allow myself to cry aloud, because I know if somehow I get mom to open her eyes I would probably cry all over her and I don't want that. Crying out loud relaxes me and after a moment I reach over and grab her hand.

She stirs, and I wrap my finger around her pale, cold, bony fingers. I notice she still wears her wedding ring. I would've guessed it might be remarried but it had the same engravings my dad's did: E&J.

I move my finger around the ring and speak, "Hey ma, it's been forever."

She stirs again and her eyelids flutter. Flutter open.

"Eva, is that you?"

"No ma, it's Jamie."

Her eyes widen and she gasps, which results in a cough and a second later a gulp of water.

"Jamie, whwhwhat are you doing here? You're so old now! How are you here? Why are you here?" She pauses and says, "Thank you. It has been forever." And with that she kisses my hand lightly.

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