Is This The Start of Something New

139 6 4

Jamie's P.O.V.

This silence is so awkward.


I'm awkward,

he's awkward,

we're all awkward.


I've never been able to stay quiet in situations. I've always been the keep-the-conversation-going person. Unless I'm upset, I will always talk.

Right now, I'm not upset, but quite annoyed that I'm stuck with this boy.

As I open my mouth to ask him how long he's been coming here, a voice comes out very masculine and says, "I saw you staring at me."

Once I realize it wasn't my voice, all I think is: he is such a cocky jerk!

I realize it's been about a minute, and I should probably say something, but my mind isn't in the mood to come up with good comebacks.

"You would have to stare at me to know I'm staring at you, which by the way I wasn't. So were you?"

"It took you that long to come up with that?" He says with a laugh.

"No, actually I was thinking about how much of a jerk you are."

"Oh really, and why is that?"

I could say so many things, but they would all be rude. Not that I think of it, they'd all be pointless too.

I stay quiet.

A smirk develops on his face, and I just want to slap it right off.

I ignore him, and gladly I see a nurse in front of me. I make eye contact with her, but she completely ignores me after a single glance, and turns her attention towards Raven.

"Hey Raven. It's been a while."

"Hey Jean. Do you have any water? Emily needed some."

"Sure I'll get you some right away!" She says and turns to walk away,

Wooh! She's gone.

Wait? Why do I even care?

Wait, why is she turning back around?

"Raven, did you want water for Emily?"

"Yup" he says and pops the 'p'.

"I saw Mia just fill up her jug. Maybe fifteen minutes ago- while she was in the PT room."

Raven looks to me and I shrug. What more is there to do?

But that's weird. Why would my mom send Raven and I to go get water when she already had some in her room?

My mind clicks it like a math equation and I get my answer.


+Water and -Water cancel out and what am I left with?


Thanks mom.

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