Vanilla Sweetness

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Raven's P.O.V.

Her eyes are more sparkly than I've ever seen them.

Emily's eyes I mean.

Jamie's too. But I have no clue what is wrong with me. I mean, at school I'm known as the bad boy. All the girls fall at my feet. And if I'm being completely honest: I'm full of myself. I'm plain out arrogant. I do all the break-ups. It's my way or the highway. But still, everyone is all over me. But hey, I'm not complaining!

I can get every girl I want at my school but here I am looking at a girl from my peripheral vision just so she doesn't see me staring.

I bet I just ruined the whole bad boy image I created from the treehouse by showing up here with a yellow box that has a cupcake in it. I don't want her to think I'm sweet, I don't even want her to like me. I don't know why but I just don't want her to like me.

I feel like I'd hurt her. And I bet she has enough pain already from seeing her mom and thinking she missed out on so much.

Jamie's P.O.V.

I can tell he's looking at me. I can see it. I'm trying not to look at him but I have that weird ability to know when someone's looking at me.

I tuck a strand of my hair and catch a glance at his eyes. Yup, he was definitely staring at me.

As if he knows I now know he straightens his posture, which is sloppy I must add, and looks towards my mother.

They make eye contact and she smiles. I wonder how many times he's been here before.

"Thank you, honey. But you didn't have to." My mother says.

"I wanted to though, it's vanilla, your favorite."

I can tell my mother is thinking about all that vanilla cake she just ate. She ate more than me and right now I feel like my stomach is going to explode any second, so I can just about imagine why she feels.

She surprises me by saying, "Here bring me some, let me try it."

He walks over and puts the box next to her right hand on the bed. He opens the lid and turns my mothers hand over. He then takes the plastic knife that's on the table next to him, (the knife was from the chicken that my mother didn't eat) and cuts the cupcake in fourths. He puts one fourth on her hand and she smiles.

"I still think this is too big." My mother says. Raven laughs.

"Well last time I only brought one cupcake you said it wasn't enough! So this time I brought two!" He says while laughing.

"Two?? Where's the other one?" My mothers says, and it's obvious in her voice she's praying he's kidding.

"I gave it to the nurse and told her to only give it to you once you finish your food tomorrow."

She looks up at the nurse, that I'm assuming is Raven's mother.

"Anna Marie, what did you teach your son? He's keeping my sweets from me!"

Nurse Anna Marie smiles and replies with a laugh, "Haven't you already had enough sweets today?"

My mother laughs.

"Wait, did I miss something?" Raven asks with a confused look but humor is still evident in his hazel eyes.

"We already had a quite large vanilla cake today." Nurse Anna Marie says.

"Aw dang it." Raven feigns sorrow.

We all laugh, I can't help it. The bad boy image he had created has totally disappeared from his sudden behavior.

Maybe it's not sudden, maybe he's always been like this but I've been blinded by his arrogance towards me.

(What do you think of Raven? Like him or eh? Comment! 😊)

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