Really Dad?

241 19 4

Jamie's P.O.V.

My phone buzzes in the pocket of my jeans and when I see the caller I.D., I ignore it.

My phone keeps buzzing so I click the power button and it stays silent momentarily. I feel vibrations from texts and more calls. Really dad? Do you have to spam me?

"You should probably take that. I'll go make some snacks inside." Mrs. Granth leaves, but doesn't take Angelina along.

She looks at me and nods toward my iPhone.

"Who is it?"

"My dad. I can call him back later."

"I think you should take it now. I'll be inside." And with that she leaves me alone with no one but the screaming voice that comes from my speaker as soon as I swipe to answer.

I apologize for putting the point of view every single part, but it'll help don't worry. :)

Dedicated to:

@HopefulDreamCarrier for the comments, votes and messages :)

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