Crushy Wushy

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Noah's P.O.V.

"I hope she's okay with her dad." I say to Raven.

"Aw does someone have a crushy wushy?" He says in his annoying mocking tone.

"No it's called having feelings and a heart, you should try it sometime."

"Har har very funny. You should be a comedian, so people can throw their old tomatoes at you."

"Raven, you need a new comeback I've already heard that one."

"Oh I'm sorry I don't have free time to waste like you do."

"Funny how the guy who's taking a nap says that."

"Insult my naps again, and it'll be the last time."

Now it's my turn to use the annoying mocking tone, "Aw I think you should see a doctor, I think someone's in loove with their bed. Aw is it because it's the only thing that gives you huggies? Aww look so cute!"

Raven fumes. "I'm not in the mood, like I said before, you can't come here, ruin my nap and bring some girl in here."

He pauses, "Especially not a girl you have a crushy on!" He bursts into laughter.

After a few seconds I laugh too, because Raven's laugh is so obnoxious it's hard not to.

We laugh for a while, and he speaks again, "Dude, don't get your hopes up though. She's waaaay out of your league. And a little old, so she's perfect for me!"

"For the last time, I do not like her!"

He laughs and says, "If you're done can you leave me to finish my nap, the one you so rudely disrupted!"

I laugh and leave.

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