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Dad's P.O.V.

It's 7:02. Is she going to be at the hospital until 10? What's she even going to do there for that long.

Just kidding. I know what she'll do.

I turn on the TV, and I see an announcer announcing "Join us at 8 for the Playoffs Final Game: San Antonio Spurs versus Miami Heat basketball game."

If the game was coming on, I could easily distract myself for a good three, wait- this is final- four hours.

I decide to make a sandwich. If only sandwiches took an hour to make.

Tempted to touch my phone and make a call, I stick it in the safe. I look in the safe and make sure everything is still there.

I don't use a safe for the purposes normal people use- to keep all their good stuff safe and everything. I keep pictures here.

Pictures of my little girl who I got separated from.

I also keep a diary. Which includes all of the emotions I was feeling after the separation.

I open it up to the first page and start reading.

I must've read for an hour already, because when I look up, I see the game already started. I look back to the first page, and read the simplicity of my words to describe the pain I was feeling.

I had quoted a lady whose name I had wrote at the bottom of the page. The pages had gotten worn out over time but I was still able to read it.

Anne Lamott

The quote I had gotten was about hope in faith.

It read, "Faith includes noticing the mess, the emptiness and discomfort, and letting it be there until some light returns."

My light had come in one way or another, and now I finally realized it. I needed to confront my past so I could make my future last.

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