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Jamie's P.O.V.

Cancer? I mean, what? Cancer? My mom? This doesn't make sense at all. My dad has a lot of explaining to do.

Breaking me from my thoughts on how to approach my dad, Mrs. Granth looks at me, and her eyes get... glossy??

"You look so much like her. Brown wavy hair, blue eyes and everything. I just don't understand how you didn't know about her.. condition."

Not knowing how much this lady knows I try to make it seem like a divorce story rather than a dad-left-mom-taking-me-with-him story. If I keep it at a divorce story I get way less pity.

"I live with my dad, the last time I saw my mom was when I was four."

Mrs. Granth takes a sharp intake of breath. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said anything."

Her eyes get glossy again. And I see a tear starting to creep out. Goodness, this is going to be a hard conversation.

Trying to turn the conversation around I ask, "Can you tell me about my mom?"

And that was a failed attempt. Now I am left to console a lady who I don't know while she is bawling after only a few words that I spoke.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be this way. I'm just surprised. I don't understand how a strong-willed woman like your mother, could stay away from her daughter for fifteen years."

She wipes her tears and makes straight eye contact. Her brown eyes sparkle, and she says straight-forwardly but with a deep tenderness, "Let's go meet your mom."

Dedicated to:

@worldgirlalways for just talking to me, and for the amazing feedback and everything :)

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