Noah Hmm

239 18 7

Jamie's P.O.V.

Just as I open my mouth to speak, he begins before.

"I'm sorry."

I can't help but laugh. He looks at me and asks, "What's so funny?"

"I just yelled at you like some psycho and you're apologizing?"

He laughs. I smile.

"Let's start over. I'm Noah. It's nice to meet you.. again."

I laugh and give him a shaking hand while I manage to say, "Jamie. Nice to meet you again too."

We both laugh and had it not been for white-ish yellow-ish headlights appearing in my view, I could've stayed like this for a long time.

Oh shoot. Headlights. Car. License plate? Yup. That's him.

"Hey I just met you, and this is really crazy, but-" I begin.

"Please don't ask me for my number right now. After you screaming at me I don't know what to think of you."

Taken aback by his answer I stumble with words and reply, "whwhwhatt?"

He flushes. "Oh. I just assumed you know.. " I'm still confused but once he starts humming Call Me Maybe it clicks all into place.

Now I'm the embarrassed one. I need to get better at talking.

Trying to cure the awkwardness I laugh. It's a stiff laugh but he takes my cue and starts laughing, except he's doing it for real. His laugh makes me laugh and I get lost in the moment.. again.

I hear a door slam shut and I wake up from the beautiful fantasy that is a side effect from my confusing and twisted reality.

"Oh shoot. Well what I was saying before.. Do you mind if I can stay in your house for a few minutes?"

He looks like I just slapped him. Now it's his turn to fumble with words. "Whwhat?"

"I mean for what?" Man, he recovers quickly. Maybe he should give me lessons in talking, or is that called speech. Off track- again!

"Well I've already told you a lot of my life so why hide the next part? My dad tracked me from my phone to try to find me and stop me from meeting my mom. So I drove here and left my phone near the lake and started walking. Then I got here. And I really don't want to go home cuz I want to meet my mom." A tear falls down my cheek. What the heck? Where did that come from?

Noah grabs my hand and pulls me from the bench and drags me across what seems like miles of grass which I am destroying by stepping on. R.I.P Pretty Grass.

After what seems like forever he opens a door, from some random place I thought was part of decor and pulls me inside.

Being stuck in the moment and fear of my dad taking me from my mom-again, I didn't remember climbing up steps.

I am now sitting in a very well-built treehouse.

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