Treehouse, We Meet Again

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Jamie's P.O.V.

It's been peaceful. I'm not going to lie.

As much as I hate to admit, I'm actually enjoying this ride. Even though, I swear, these are designed for death, I guess I'm doing just fine for right now.

"Hey Jamie are you okay?" He says. I feel the vibrations as he says it.

"No." I say. Truthfully and a little sarcastically.

He chuckles. And holy cow, not to sound like a creep or anything, but it feels so amazing.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He tries.


"You never told me where exactly I'm supposed to take you." He says.

I open my mouth but close it. I have no idea.

"Do you know?"

"No." I say.

"Okay. Then I know where."

We stay in silence for a while longer. I don't recognize where we are because 1) we could be anywhere, and 2) this street has no freaking street lights.

I hear the engine of the motorcycle die down.

"Come on." He says and gets off in an easy leg-throw over. Haha no.

He holds the motorcycle and gives me a hand.

Sparks fly.

No, literally. And metaphorically but I think the literal version is more important right now.

There are sparks coming out of the motorcycle.

"Umm.." Is all I can manage.

"Oh sh-"

"Shoot." I finish for him. I don't cuss. The only time I do, is in my head. I would never cuss out loud.

Only in my head. But man, if someone heard what was going on in my head.. eeek!

He gives me a weird look and tends to his motorcycle.

I could tell you I knew what he was doing, but honestly, I was so confused.

I took the time to look around and I saw the same view I saw hours ago. I was greeted with the same treehouse I met this grumpy bird in.

Lost and FoundOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora