Knife in My Heart

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(Oh there won't be Raven's P.O.V. for a while!)

Jamie's P.O.V.

The bell rings dismissing our class.

I get up to leave and a hand grabs me. I silently pray to myself it's not Raven. I really don't want to talk to him.

May the odds be ever in your favor. Not.

Raven looks at me and I try my best to give him steely eyes. I then take my right hand and uncurl his fingers off of my left. And then walk out of the classroom.

"What was that?" I hear when I come outside.

I turn to see the voice and am greeted with an unfamiliar face.

"Huh?" I mutter.

She's a brunette with soft brown eyes. I think I remember her smiling when the teacher told us to be quiet. Not in a mean way, more of as a 'the teacher always picks on newbies.'

"Oh sorry. I'm Alex. Alexandra actually but whatever. Alexandra is too many syllables! That's what people always say, haha. So just call me Alex. Sorry, am I rambling? Oops. Oh well. Haha. Now what was I saying again?"

I laugh along with her.

"I'm sorry but I have no idea."

She then hits her head with her hand. There are very strange people at this school.

"I remember! I was going to ask you what the whole thing with Raven was about?"

"Who's Raven?" I quickly say.

"Oh right! You're new. Oh well he's the guy that grabbed your hand when you were about to leave. Sorry! Not to sound like a creep or anything! I just wanted to talk to you once you left the classroom!"

"Oh. Yeah, I don't know what that was about."

"Oh okay." She says smiling. "Well there's a party at my house tomorrow night. If you'd like to come here's an invitation!" She reaches into her pastel purse and grabs out a blue invitation.

"That's what I wanted to tell you! No gifts please! It's just a simple end-of-the week party! Lemme explain. At the end of each week a different person hosts a party and invites everybody. It may seem like a lot of effort but everyone pitches in. Some people bring this that and everything! And this week it's my turn!"

"Wow. Every week?" Is all I can say.

"Yup!" She grins widely.

"I really hope you'll be able to make it! It starts at eight. And the attire is pretty casual. Maybe you can even come over and we can get ready together!!"

"I'd love that!" I say.

My face drops. Will he be there?

"Whats wrong Jamie?"

"Oh nothing. I was just thinking about that boy. What was his name again?"

"Raven?" She asks dumbfounded.

"Yeah him. His grip was pretty tight on my hand. I wonder what he had to say." I lied. His grip was actually really soft. But I didn't want to go to the party if he was there. And I definitely don't want to tell anybody that I know him and like him.

"Oh. Well he'll be at the party! But don't worry, he'll probably be busy the whole time with some random girl. Ugh. I need to go buy locks! To lock all the bedrooms! Eww." She says and laughs a little.

A smile to cover up what actually feels like a knife in my heart.

New girl every week. How long have I known him? Maybe a month? What is that? Four girls.


"Don't worry about him though! I hope you come! And if he bugs you too much then stick by me and we can secretly play a prank on him!"

I smile. First day and three friends. I like this.

"I'd definitely like that!" I say.

The bell rings showing that we are late to the next class.

"Oh I'm so sorry! Why do I talk so much? I should've told you after school! It's your first day and you'll already have a tardy!"

"Oh don't worry. I can just tell them I got lost and you were showing me around," I say with a wink.

Where's Dylan? Hmm. That's weird. He left. He must have a different third period, oh well. At least I have Alex, otherwise I would actually be lost.

"What do you have next?" She asks.

"Oh I have Chem."

"Oh. I have Pre-Cal but they're basically next to each other! Let's go! Don't want to be too late!!"

I follow her through what feels like a maze. The one with tricks and traps everywhere.

"That is your classroom. And mine is over there. I'll try to catch you later!" She says and walks away quickly.

I enter the Chemistry classroom and I feel all eyes on me.

'Apple bottom jeans. Boots with the fur. THE FUR! The whole club was looking at her! HER!'

Why Jamie? Why? Why do you have to always think of songs?

I smile to myself. And take an open seat. The guy next to me smiles at me and I smile back, because why not?

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