It's Time

137 6 2

Dad's P.O.V.

I'm not sure how long we've been waiting. I hear shouts from the distance at the Spurs victory. I'm not in the mood to celebrate with them.

"Ladies and gentlemen I have awoken from my slumber- you may appla-" Emily stands in the doorway. Stands! How did she even get up? But it was obvious why she stopped talking.

"Oh hello, Jonathan. What're you doing here?" Emily asks, noticing my presence.

"We need to talk. The three of us."

Emily's face falls, she knows what I'm hinting towards.

"Come in, you too Jamie."

Jamie follows behind me. I watch her face which shows only one emotion: confusion.

Emily sits on the bed. Jamie and I take both the seats in the room.

"It's time." I say to Emily.

"It's time to begin isn't it?"

I nod.

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