You Did What Now?!

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Raven's P.O.V.

"Why is Jamie up asleep in our treehouse??" My annoying little brother says to me.

"Noah, just leave it. Okay?"

"Unbelievable." He says.


"You like her." You would think he'd say it in a teasing mood but he was giving me a death glare.

"No, I don't."

"Raven, we're basically all living in a déjà vu moment of what happened before. You can deny it but I don't care. But if you're going to leave her like you left-"

"Stop. Don't say her name."

"You used to love her."

"I never said that."

"Unbelievable, once again!"

"Just go Noah. I can't deal with this right now."

"Then when Raven? When will you ever deal with this?"

"I don't follow."


I put my hands against my ears.

Noah continues. And sadly my hands don't cover up his words.

"You need to tell Jamie what happened three years ago. You've been living in denial, pain, everything. And then you met Ariana Rose. Mom and I thought you were normal again. But then that one day at dinner, mom let something slip about that event, and Ariana was lost. You never told her. What did you you tell us you told her? That you didn't want to put a burden on her? Did you even tell her that? Or did you lie? Raven. I'm asking you a question. I know you can hear me! How did you end things with Ariana??"

I put my head down.

I ended things terribly.

"Please. Not now."

"Then when? When will it ever be a good time??" He screams.

"FINE. You want to know?! I basically trashed our relationship and then dumped her. But it was all for her. Why should I burden her?!"


"Shut up Noah. You don't know my life."

"Enlighten me then!"

"Jamie is different."


"Ariana was so fragile. I felt like she'd crack."

"And Jamie?"

"Look at everything she's going right now! She can handle the truth, just not now."

"I called her dad."


"I called her dad and told her she's here. I won't let you ruin another girl."


"Raven. It's for the better."


For once, Noah listened.

Once he left, I basically ran up to the treehouse.

Ariana, you'll learn more about her later :)

Decided to post this with the character list, you're welcome ;)

Would y'all mind having a really long book with short chapters? Or should I make the parts longer so the book is shorter?

Vote, Comment, love :)

Lost and FoundDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora