Grumpy Bird

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Jamie's P.O.V.

"Where are we?" I ask even though the answer is obvious.

"This is my treehouse. And probably the best hiding place for you. If your dad tracked you then he's probably the type to go door to door looking for you. And it's too bad that there isn't a door for him to find up here."

We both laugh. It's weird but kinda homey.

Noah flips a lamp on to shine light into the dark treehouse which gets darker by the minute as the sun sets. Stupid daylight savings time.

"Noah how many times have I told you not to come here unless I'm in my room? You can't come here when I'm here." A grumpy voice grumbles.

I look in the direction and find a guy who looks the exact opposite of Noah, but exactly the same. It's quite creepy.

I think it but the grumpy voice says it aloud, "Who is that?"

"Noah. You ruin my naptime and you bring some random girl in here too. Ugh."

Noah doesn't look at me before blurting, "She's hiding from her dad."

A smile grows on the guys face. "Should've known y'all aren't dating. She's way out of your league." Now that smile is a smirk. I already don't like this guy.

"RAVEN! We are not dating. I barely know her. She just needed help and I helped her. End of story."

Oh so his name's Raven.

"Oh so she's single right?"

Oh wow. Perve and rude.

"RAVEN! Unbelivable."

I don't understand how Noah and Raven are brothers. They're total opposites of each other. Well then again when I met Noah I thought he was a jerk and now he's actually nice. But here's Raven who I know is a jerk.

A cough breaks me from my thoughts and I look up. It was Raven and by the way he was looking at me I could tell he had been for some time.

Noah was looking at the ground not saying a word. I tried to look away from Raven's gaze but I could feel his eyes still lingering on me. I looked back at Raven.

"What?" I accused.

"What what?" He said back with a smirk. I want to slap that smirk right off his pretty face.

Pretty? What? Who am I kidding? It is pretty. Even though the personality behind it is the opposite.

"Nevermind." I give up. He's a jerk.

No one speaks and minutes pass by. The silence is uncomfortable so I break it.

I look at Noah and talk to Noah only, "Hey my dad's probably done with your house by now. I'm gonna go back. The Granth's are probably looking for me."

I hear Noah mumble, "Okay. Sorry. Good luck."

As I leave through the door I hear Raven mumble a few words: Granth. Angelina. Me. And no wonder.

Confused, I gave up trying to figure out what it meant so I went with the simple explanation my mind came up with: Probably wondering who I came with and why I was here. Maybe he even knows my mom. Or probably just because me and Angelina have the same or close enough same brown hair.

Who knows? Him and not me.

Who cares? Him and not me.

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