Confusion Arises

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Jamie's P.O.V.

Raven, Anna Marie, and I sit outside the room. It really is an awkward silence.

"Jamie! How'd it go?" Ms. Granth asks me.

"Oh it went well!" I smile. Angelina appears from behind. Wait where did they just come from?

"I'm glad. I bet Emily is very happy." Ms. Granth replies.

"I hope she is." I smile.

"Oh she is. She's probably as happy as when.. I'm not sure actually." Anna Marie says.

We spend the next few minutes talking about my mother. I look at Angelina and am confused on why she's so quite. We make eye contact a few times and she smiles, but there are no words coming out.

Did something happen while I was with my mom?

I try to get Angelina to smile again. She looks to the left of me and her eyes widen. Tremendously.

I turn to be faced with my dad.

"What are you doing here?" I look at my watch to see 8:04 "I still have a while before I was supposed to get home."

"Can I talk with you and Emily alone?"

What is happening?

"She's asleep." I quickly reply. I don't know why but I am suddenly dreading this conversation about to happen.

"I'll wait." Now that's a reply I wasn't expecting. I thought he'd tell me to go home or something. I look at him and he's looking down, but I can still see the sorrow in his eyes.

What happened to my father while he was at home?

Lost and FoundOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora