New School= New Trouble

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Jamie's P.O.V.

This school has a dress code. Call me weird but I actually love dress codes! There is no way to outshine people with strict dress codes. I hated my last school's dress code, wow never thought I'd be saying 'last school' since I've never moved my whole life. But I really did hate it. You could tell the preps from the 'freaks.' We had no dress code. Except the obvious no shorts that are more than 3 inches above your knees, no spaghetti straps, if your underwear shows wear a belt, etc. I was constantly annoyed with people judging people by their appearance.

I was categorized as a Prep. I didn't even want to be one. I just dressed in cute clothes, because that's what I felt like. But to defy the system I would go and sit with the so-called 'freaks' just to show, we're all the same. I would get weird looks from everyone. Who cares?

This is America for crying out loud. I can do whatever the hell I please.

The only thing that annoyed me was the Preps group coming up to me and asking me questions and telling me to not do it again.

I was just like I will do it again just because of that. I had some real friends in the 'Prep' group. They felt the same as I did. They hated how everything had to be done together and we had no freedom.

She would come and sit with me- sometimes. She was more influenced by that group than I was. Her name was Skylar. She's probably the only one I miss from that school.

I felt like everyone else was fake. Forced to be someone they're not. Hopefully this school is different.

I look down at my maroon skirt, white shirt (tucked in of course), black tie, and white shoes. They didn't care about shoes, so we had freedom there. God, I hope there aren't preppy girls wearing high heels.

I walk in and am immediately lost. This school is huge!

I walk around and this guy bumps into me.

"You look lost! Are you lost? Do you need some help??" He asks, rather rushed.

I can't help but smile. "Yeah, I am. It's my first day. Do you know where the office is?"

"Yeah. Follow me!" He says, he is waaaay too happy for 9 in the morning!

"My names Dylan by the way!" He says.


Not to be mean or anything, but he sounds happy. Not happy happy but HAPPY happy. Like-

Deck the hall with boughs of holly,

Fa la la la la la la la la.

'Tis the season to be jolly,

Fa la la la la la la la la.

Don we now our HAPPY apparel

Troll the ancient Yuletide carol,

Fa la la la la la la la la.

That happy happy.

We walked for about three minutes. He introduced random people along the way, classrooms, and teachers. Everyone who he introduced loved him, and he literally introduced everyone!

We reached the main office and he held the door for me. He's such a gentleman! He was also dressed extremely nice, like too nice.

He has to be.

"Hello Mrs. Evans, Good Morning Mrs. Elliot. I brought with me a new student!"

"Why thank you Dylan. Would you mind showing her around after we finish the paperwork?"

"I'd love to Mrs. Evans!" He says.

Oh okay. This is Mrs. Evans so that's Mrs. Elliot. Okay.

"Jamie right?" Mrs. Evans asks.

"Yes. Yes ma'am."

"No need for the formality sweetie." She says smiling.

She's adorable.

"Well why don't you come on back here so you can get your schedule and all the papers and everything done."

"Okay." I say, stopping myself before I say ma'am again.

I go around the desk and follow her into a room.

Twenty-two long minutes later, I am ready to go to second period. I guess getting lost and all this paperwork somehow managed to take up a whole class period!

She tells me I can leave as soon as the bell rings. I step outside and see Dylan is still sitting there.

He asks for my schedule and compares it to his own.

"We have next period together!!" He says, so happy, so happy.

(Does this remind y'all of the internship when they say so fat, so fat! God made you lactose and tolerant for a reason! Hahaha)

The bell rings and I follow him.

On the way to class a boy slams into me. His book had fallen. I bend to pick it up and when I look up I see those same green eyes.

His eyes act as if they don't know me. They stare right through me. He mumbles a 'thanks' and walks away.

One of the boys he was walking with whistles at me. Ugh. And Raven doesn't do anything about it.

OMG I did it! A long short chapter!! Haha!

But really Raven? Ughhhhh.

Oh and sorry if the my comments in the middle distracted you. Dylan O'Brien is just so distracting!!!

Anyone watched the internship? I've watched it at least seven times. Four were just to watch Dylan. <3

Vote, Comment, and Love (but do not steal!) Dylan O'Brien!

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