1. The first day at Hogwarts

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River's POV.

"Come on bro!" I yelled, running towards the train. "It's more amazing than I imagined!" I said to my 5 brothers.

"Slow down! Riv, you can't run off like that!" Said Andrew, my oldest brother.

"Oh come on! Let her have her fun! She's only a kid!" Said my third oldest brother, Carter.

"Yeah! I agree with the blonde!" Said my twin brothers, Tyler and Casey, my youngest older brothers. James simply looked down at me and smiled,

"I love ya sis, remember to write." He said hugging me. "Remember you two, keep an eye on River, it's her first year and she'll need to know where to go." Said James. But before I could go find a compartment, my three oldest brothers crushed me in hugs. I smiled.

"I love you guys!" I called, running off to an empty compartment. I went into the compartment and put my things up, and put my cat on my lap. "Hi Ginger!" I said. Suddenly a blonde boy showed up with two other boys following.

"Is this compartment taken?" Asked the blonde boy.

"You can sit here if you like, I don't mind," I replied. The boys sat down, the blonde on my side, the other two on the other side.

"I'm Draco Malfoy, and this is Crabbe and Goyle." He said. I smiled.

"I'm River Carmens." I said. He looked at me smirking.

"Weird name isn't? River? What kind of name is that?" He asked.

"I know, I know, but, my brothers we're insane!" I said. They all looked at me weird. "What?" I asked.

"Brothers? Your brothers named you?" Draco asked.

"Yes. I rather not get into it though." I said. Tyler came in,

"Sorry to bother, but, I'm sure Ginger doesn't want to get wet." He said.

"Wait, am I going on a boat?" He smiled.

"You'll see!" He said cheerfully.

Once we got off the boats and were waiting in the lobby, Draco turned to me, "Do you know what house you'll be in?" He asked.

"Well, I have a parent who was in Gryffindor and a parent in Slytherin, so either one." I said. He nodded and turned to another person, two boys, one with black hair and glasses, the other was a ginger, another Weasley most likely. Mrs.
Mcgonagall came out and led us to the front of the great hall. I saw my brothers who were waving at me, I blushed embarrassedly, but I smiled. They went through names, and now they were on the R's. Finally, it was my turn. The hat went on my head and spoke to me.

"Hmm? Another Carmen? Well, it will have to be, SLYTHERIN!" It yelled the last word. I heard a table clap and I was smiling and ran over. Next was Draco, the hat barely touched his head when it yelled Slytherin. He came and sat over by me and Crabbe and Goyle sat in front of us. We didn't really talk, but soon, we were full and the prefects led us to the dormitorys.

"Night Malfoy." I said, going towards the girls dorms.

"Night Carmens." He said going towards the boys dorms.

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