Together again

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I smiled as I saw Draco. We hugged. And I saw what was most likely his father. "And who is this?" He asked coldly. "My friend father." Draco said. His father looked down on my short and small figure. "I see..." now comes the test. Draco had tested me last year and over the summer on questions Mr. Malfoy might ask. "Wealthy or poor." He asked. "In between average and wealthy."
"What house are you in?"
"Slytherin sir."
"Perfectly pure."
"Parents or legal guardians? Do they have decent jobs?"
"My brothers, James Carmen, famous wizardly author. Andrew Carmen, Ministry of magic, and Carter, also Ministry of magic."
"House elves?"
This was not on the test, Draco clenched his teeth. "We can afford them, but my brothers always raised me to do things by ourselves and discipline me if I disobey." I replied. "Very respectful response." He said. "Well, Bye Mr. Malfoy! See you on the train Draco!" I called before running through the wall.

I was about to run after Riv, but before I could even start running, my father put his hand on my shoulder. I looked back at him. "Yes father?" I asked nervously. "I approve of your friend. I want you to make her apart of this family, no matter what you have to do." He said, I nodded and ran at the barrier.

Now that it was just me and Draco in the compartment alone, I could get a good look at him. He had grown a few inches over the summer. He looked down at my shorter form. "You've grown." I said. "So have you." He replied with a smile. "Sure I have, I've grown a millimeter. A Millimeter!" I said and we laughed. Soon Vele, my tall friend came into the compartment. "Vele!" I said hugging her. We hadn't been able to get together over the summer because she had vacation in America and I went to Canada. "What did you do over the summer Draco?" I asked. He looked up. "Oh, nothing really, I went to France that's all." He said. "What did you do?" He asked. I smiled. "I met my favorite YouTuber! Simplynailogical. You wouldn't know her." I said. He laughed. Well I guess I wouldn't, how about you Walker?" He asked Vele. She smiled down at her lap, "Oh, nothing much, just went to America...." she mumbled happily. I wonder what's up with her. When we went out in the hall, I pulled her aside to talk. "Why are you so happy?" I asked smiling. She looked down on me (taller than me but not that much taller) "Because...I'm having a baby brother..." she said happily. How long has your mom been pregnant?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled. "Six months." She said. But she lowered her head. "They didn't have time to tell me until I got back, that felt it was wrong to tell me over letter." She said still smiling. "Well, it seems your parents had a fun night." We chuckled and then went to the bathrooms to get changed. When we got out. We weren't even a quarter there. Draco had changed and now we were just sitting in the compartment. I leaned my head against his shoulder. And slowly drifted off. "Wake up, we're here." Said the calm voice of Draco. I opened my eyes. "Hi Dragon..." I said tiredly. He looked down. I got up and tried to grab my bags. I was standing on my tiptoes and could barely reach. Draco chuckled and got my bags.

I grabbed her bags and handed them to her. She mumbled something about being short. We got out and went to the great hall. The first years were sorted and we ate. River got so tired. "I know exactly what I'm gonna do when we get to the dorms." She said. I looked at her small form. "And what would that be?" I asked smiling. "Sleeping. I won't even care about my bags." She said. I chuckled. When we were full, the prefects led us to the common room. River's head laid on my shoulder the whole time. I smiled as her eyes kept closing for a second and then flickering open. I had to hold on my laughs. Soon we were all headed to bed. I hugged River, she fell asleep in my arms and I handed her sleeping figure to Vele. "Goodnight, Walker, Carmen." I said. And headed upstairs and went to bed.

I woke with a start in the middle of the night crying. "No." I said. I went down into the common room, the memory kept flooding back. That voice...
"First we killed the father, now, the child." A voice said. "No! You will not hurt her!" Said a woman's voice. But not a mother's. And then, green light, a scream, the words. The voice. The scream.

Why can't it just go away! I cried in a corner. I heard someone coming down the stairs of the boys dorm. I backed farther into the wall. "River?" Asked the familiar voice. I was crying into my knees and didn't look up. He sat beside me and hugged me. It's okay, I won't let anyone hurt you. I looked up at him with watery eyes, and smiled. "Thank you..." I said softly. He hugged me and then we both headed to bed.

I woke up the next day. The image of River crying lingered in my mind. Why did she have to feel so much and hurt and pain? I went downstairs to find her sitting in her favorite corner drawing. "What are you drawing? I ask her. She turns the drawing towards me.

 She turns the drawing towards me

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Drawn by me

It was beautiful. She had drawn it and it was beautiful. "It's amazing Riv!" I said. She smiled shyly while blushing. "Thank you Draco. She smiled and she put her drawing items away. We then walked out of the painting and to our first class.

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