What are we?

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I walked to breakfast. River has been avoiding me for a week. It hurts, when I try to reach out to touch her, she flinches. I've just been so confused. Are we still together? Are we not? I should ask her today after school.


Lately, I've been avoiding everyone. Draco walked over to me. I flinched as he tried to touch me. "River, I, I need to ask you something." He said softly. I looked away from him. "I know you hate me but please just listen. I want to know what we are."
"I don't know Draco what are we?!" I asked, tears streaming down my face. "I don't know what to do! Okay, I don't know if your good or bad! You, your someone who can't be trusted." I said. "And you don't know how much this is going to hurt me Draco but, I can't, I can't be with someone, who I can't trust. I, I'm sorry." I then ran off to the lake.


I reached my hand out to try and stop her. "River! Wait!" I watched as she ran. I cried, I admit, I cried. How could I be so stupid. I should have just ran. Ran away from my father and Voldemort. I screamed.

"Stupid! stupid! stupid!" I screamed at the mirror. I was in the joint part of the prefects bathroom. I heard someone walk in. It was River. "I didn't see you, I'll just head to the girls'." She hurried off before I could say a word. I sighed.


I close the door. Then, as I slide down I begin to cry and sob. I just hope he can't hear me.


I slide against the door leading to the girls area, I lean my head against the door and let the tears fall. She was my everything. And, it hurts, to see her like this.


I woke up today and it was Saturday. I'll just go to Hogsmeade today, me and Harry have plans anyways. I got dressed in my muggle clothes and walked down to Hogsmeade. I entered the three broomsticks. I sigh as I see couples all around me. I see as Harry waves at me. I sit down and just sigh again. "Why are you upset Riv?" He asks.
"It's nothing Harry." I respond. He looks at me worriedly. The waiter walks over. I recognize him as Corey, a Ravenclaw boy. He smiles down on me and I blush. "What would you like to order?" He asks. Without thinking I say, "Two butter beers please." He smiles at me again and nods.
"I call paying!" I say. Harry glares at me with a smile on his face. "Come on! I wasn't ready!"
"You snooze you lose! Heheh." I sat laughing evilly. Corey comes back with our drinks. I smile softly and blush. Then me and Harry talk and drink our butter beers. When Corey comes over, I try to find my wallet and Harry evilly shows me he has it and pays with his own money. I groan. He just laughs. Before we walk out, Corey comes over to me. "Hey, wanna hang out sometime?" I blushed.
"That would be nice." I said softly. He smiled and I walked out. "What held ya up?" Harry asked.
"Nothing, just, saw a friend." I said softly. We began walking back to the castle.

I was walking to Hogsmeade by myself. Suddenly, out of nowhere while I was going to the old abandoned house, someone cursed me. I couldn't stand up. "Expecto, Patronom." I said. "Help..." then it all went black.


I was alarmed as I saw River's Wolf Patronis. It said 'help'. I ran following it. My heart broke. When I got to Hogsmeade, I saw she was close to the abandoned house and I quickly picked up her limp body. I ran. I pushed passed a worried looking Harry and Ron. I ran to the hospital wing. "Oh! Malfoy!" Pomfrey said to me as I laid her on a bed. "She'll be fine. Just a minor curse, most likely fifth year did this." She said. I nodded. I watched as Pomfrey did a spell and River woke up. She jolted up, took one look at me and bolted. "Issues, Malfoy?" She asked. "Uh yea, you shouldn't be worried about me, you should be worried, about her."

Hey guys! I just wanted to thank you for getting me to 500 views! I love every single one of you! I want to give a special shout out to my best friend! ChristinaMinnie3! She's my best friend and has got me through a lot.

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