Yule Ball

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Draco asked me to the Yule Ball! The Fudging, Yule Ball. I felt excited. Me and the girls already got dresses. This is Skylar's.


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Vele and I are so excited

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Vele and I are so excited. I'm obviously going with Draco. Blaise is going with Vele. And, Skylar is flying solo though.

Tonight is the Yule Ball and I'm dying. I get my make up done and then slip on my dress. Vele, and Skylar do the same. We then walk out. I take Draco's arm and Vele does the same with Blaise. We all walk out to the great hall, decorated like winter. "Draco can we dance, please!" I begged. He smiled and we danced. It was wonderful. I saw people follow behind us. We had so much fun. And then, something happened. "Love, I need to ask something of you." He said. I nodded and followed him outside. "In our relationship, I want you to stop talking and stop being friends with Harry, Ron and the Mudblood." I was shocked. I was sad, and then angry. "I won't do it."
"I. Won't. Do. It."
"You will and I will make sure you do."
"Draco I'm not going to do that!"
"Fine we're over!" He said. I felt hot tears run down my cheeks and ran away. Far away. Hot tears running down my face. I ran to the Hogsmeade house and cried. My mind and heart were broken. How could he just do that. I didn't go inside, I hid behind it. No one would find me now. I cried into my knees. "River!" I heard Ron's voice, Vele's voice, Blaise's voice. "River..." said a familiar voice. I peeked up and saw Harry. "P-please go away, I-I need to be alone." I wa suddenly hugged, and I cried into his shoulder. We broke up because of Draco's hate for Harry. I felt broken inside and I hurt so much. Two years, two years with Draco, and he probably hates me now.


I lost the love of my life. How could I be so stupid! I hate myself. She was my everything. And now I lost it.


Stupid Draco. I always hated him. And now it just proves he's a jerk! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!

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