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Dad...was hunted. I was so afraid of him, and I don't have to be. I walked the halls and went into Slytherin. And then I put my books in my dorm and headed down to the lake. I ran into Draco. I tried to run away but he grabbed my arm. "River look at me." He said. I looked away from him. I wasn't gonna give him what he wanted. "Fine don't look at me but we need to talk."
"There's nothing to say! Draco, it doesn't even make sense why your talking to me! Okay, I understand we dated. But that's over, okay?"
"Listen I feel terrible and I hate myself for everything. I feel broken without you in my life."
"Listen Draco, you don't even understand what I've gone through! Okay."
"I know, and I feel dead inside without you. Dead."
"Welcome to my life!" I yelled and ran off, tears blinding my vision. I ran to the lake and I stood at the edge, and then I slipped. I fell, but I didn't hit the water. Harry caught me. He pulled me up and when he tried to hug me, I pushed him away. I ran as far away as I could, not wanting to see anyone. I ran through the whole school, I ran to Hogsmeade. I ran to my house and put my keys in. I ran in there and I broke down on the floor. And I just stayed there for a while.

One week later

I heard people around me. I felt tears run down my face and I couldn't move my legs. I felt blackness over take me even though I tried to fight it. I felt my heart slow.


"She could live, but chances are low Mr. Malfoy." Madame Pomfrey said to me. I nodded and sat right next to her. "I, I'm sorry." I let tears slip down my face. "I, was a total jerk and, you were everything. You lost everything. I'm someone, you probably hate me, I would hate me too." I said softly. I grabbed her hand. "I don't care if you hate me, as long as I can see your beautiful orchard and emerald eyes. River, I love you. And I will never stop loving you."
"I love you too Dragon."
I gasped and I picked her up. She smiled and I held her to my chest. "Draco, go tell Pomfrey that I'm ready to go home." She said I nodded and ran to Pomfrey. "She's awake!" I tell her. She nods, and then she looks sad. "She won't be able to walk for four months, Malfoy." She said. I stumbled. "Wha, what?" I asked. She nodded. Tears welled in my eyes. She won't be able to play quittich, it made her happy, she was happy.


Never. I will never be able to play quittich again. I won't be able to walk for two more months.
Two months later...

I recently learned, that death eaters killed my family. I cried again over my family. I held my knees to my chest near the black lake. I felt someone pull me up, it was Draco, I cried into his chest. He held me tightly. I felt like I was just a waste of space. I ran to my dorm and grabbed the knife. I ran back to the lake. I was about to make a cut when I heard yelling. "River don't!" It was Draco. I closed my eyes, and I made one cut. "No!" He hit the knife out of my hands. "You can't do this!" He said.
"Why not?! I'm just a waste of space!" I yelled crying. "Admit it Draco!"
"I love you! And never want you to get hurt. I can't lose you again." I wrapped my arms around his waist and cried into his chest.

I ran to Draco. "You did great!" I said. He ran to me and picked me up. I giggled and got on my tiptoes and pecked his lips softly. He kissed me back. "We'll continue this later." I said giggling. He groaned and I ran to the common room. Oh, Draco Malfoy. I felt my heart break as I saw a photo of death eaters. I turned my head and kept running. But the imagine stayed in my head. I finished up my packing, year ended tomorrow. I felt myself remember the imagine.

I couldn't wait to see my Dad again! I cheered silently to myself. "Why are you so happy Love?" Draco asked, I smiled.
"I know I didn't tell you. You know all of my brothers? They were just my half brothers! My real father isn't dead and I met him!" I said excitedly. Draco smiled and hugged me. Currently I was sitting on Draco's lap, enjoying being tall. I was sitting side ways with my hands around his neck. I leaned my head on his shoulder. "You know, My favorite part about sitting on your lap, is being taller than you." I whispered into Draco's ear. He chuckled. "Anytime Love. Will you be visiting me over break?" He asked. I thought. "I'll have to ask my father, but probably." I say happily. He smiles and kisses my cheek. "We never did pick up where we left off, did we?" He says, smirking. I'm screwed. He starts kissing me lovingly. I kiss back. Draco pushes me onto the seat and is over top of me. I smile up and he smirks down. Kissing me again. I close my eyes and just enjoy the snogging. 

I get back home and open the door. My Father appears and holds me. I hug him back. "Sweetheart? Your spending time with the Weasleys this summer!" He says.
I smile. Ron! Maybe Harry, Hermione! I smile and nod. I put my trunk into my room. I go to bed with all of my clothes that I had on earlier still on.

I woke up the next morning to a Weasley. "Sup." I say to Ron. He nods and picks me up in a hug. I laugh as he twirls me around.
I tap his head. "Set me down you hooligan!" I laugh harder. He puts me down and I shoo him out the door. I lock it and change. I come out with my trunk and cat in hand. We walk out and head to the Weasleys.

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