I will protect you always

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I got dressed and put my boots on. Yesterday, I had spoke to Him about how much it bothered me on how he was going to get Buck Beak and how Hagrid could be fired. He had told me he had already told his father and that he, said they deserved it. And we got into a fight. But we forgave each other after. I walked down the stairs. It was a day before Christmas. I walked past Draco and was about to head out, but Draco grabbed my arm. "Where are you going?" He asked
"To Hogsmeade."
"I, just kinda, I have a tradition."
"Can I come?"
We walked to Hogsmeade. When we got there. I walked to the cemetery. "Why are we..." He said as I kneeled down at a gravestone. "Is this...?"
"I was born, in Hosmeade...and my mom died here. My Dad died in London trying to arrive for my birth. He...didn't make it..." I said, tears brimming my eyes. He hugged me. And I cried into his shoulder. "It's okay. Please don't cry. I hate it when you cry." He said. I just looked up at him and gave him a fake smile. "Love, that's not a real smile. I can tell when your really happy and when your sad." He said. I just looked away. I pushed him away and took his hand. I went to a house. "Darling that house is-" I opened the door with my key. I walked into the home. I felt hot tears run down my cheeks. I saw pictures of my Mom and Dad. I picked up a photo of all my brothers and my parents. My twin brothers, who are now sixth years, were little. Maybe three, Andrew was fifteen.  James was ten, and Carter was seven. I felt happy. Mom and Dad looked tired, but happy. I put the photo down and went to a room, a nursery. I walked around the room, touching everything. This was valuable to me. I heard Draco enter the room. "Was going to be-"
"My room, yes." I sighed. I walked out and looked at my twin brothers old room. It was symmetric. I found my three oldest brothers room. It was amazing. I felt like crying again, but now I found my parents room. I went into my Mom's closet. I found the dress. 'Our daughter's special day' the wedding dress was beautiful. I closed the closet door, and walked to Draco. I hugged him and he hugged me tightly. "How do you stay so strong?" I just looked at him with a smile. "I want to live here, after Hogwarts. Would you live here with me Dragon?" I asked he smiled down on me. "Anything for you Love." I smiled and stood on my tip toes and softly kissed his lips. He kissed me back.

When we were on the train. I looked out the window. "Love?" I turned towards Draco. And gave him a questioning look. "Is everything okay?" He asked. I nodded and smiled. "I noticed, there was what looked like, a fresh Christmas tree, decorated and all in that house."
"I, do it every year. You just never noticed I was gone." I said. When we got back, Draco had to go meet up with someone. So, I walked back to the common room alone. Suddenly, I was pushed against the wall. "Hello princess." Said the voice. I knew who it was. "Flynn, please let me go." I said. He suddenly, came closer to my face. And he did something that made me hate him forever. He kissed me straight on the lips. I pushed him off me and ran to the common room crying. I saw Draco was already there. I wiped my eyes and didn't meet his gaze. "Love?" He questioned. "Is everything okay?" He asked. I looked at the ground now crying again. He lifted my chin up. "Love, tell me what happened and I can make it better." He said. I looked away. "Flynn, he, he, kissed me. I'm so sorry. I didn't wanna tell you because I was afraid of losing you." I said, tears streaming down my face. "I'll kill him." Draco said. I was shocked. "Your not going to ever lose me. I promise." He said I nodded and he hugged me. I hugged him back. "I'll be back Love." He said and walked out of the painting. I sat down and Vele came over to me. "How did visiting your Mom and Dad go?" She asked. "It was great. I found the wedding dress my mom gave to me in my will." She had actually given me a couple things. But her and Dad both to give me the Hogsmeade house. And I loved it.


I was going to kill him. He had hurt her emotionally. "Hey Flynn!" I yelled, spotting him. He looked my way and smirked. "What is it, Malfoy?" He asked. I looked at him anger filled me. "How dare you kiss my Girlfriend like that. You monster!" I yelled. "Well, it's not my fault she's gonna cheat. Or break up with you." He said smirking. "To bad I love Draco." I heard someone say, and that someone was River. "Are you sure? I mean, look at me." He said. I just frowned. "As if! I like, blonde, Slytherin Princes." She said. She grabbed my arm and dragged me away. She dragged me far enough from Flynn. "Draco, please don't waste your time on me. I don't even get why you like me. I mean, who would like me, I'm broken..." she said.
"I love you. And your not broken. You, are just missing some pieces." I said. She blushed. And hugged me. "I love you." I said. She looked up and smiled. "I love you too. My Dragon."
"My Love."
That night, I went to bed happy.
She, was my everything. And I would do anything to protect her. That's why I did what I did.

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