Never Forget

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"Draco?" She asked nervously.
"Yes Love? What is it?" I asked, a little concerned now. "Will you ever forget me Dragon? When we leave Hogwarts, will you forget me?" She asked. I was shocked. She had never asked questions like this before. I took her hand. "I will never forget you. No matter what." I said. I stepped out of the house to get some air. And guess who I saw. The Golden Trio was heading right for River's house. I went back  in the house and locked the door. "What is it?" She asked. "I just, want to lock the door so no one you don't know can get-"
"Your blabbing." She said laughing.
"Yeah, okay, I guess I am."
"I'm gonna go get some eggnog. You want some?"
"Sure Love."
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door."I'll get it Love." I said opening the door. "What are you doing here?" I scowled. "We came to see River, what are you doing here?" Harry asked. I smirked.
"River's my Girlfriend, have you forgotten already Potter?" I said. He just stood there shocked.


I grabbed his arm and sat him down on the couch. "Harry, sorry, now is not really the best time. Can we hang out later?" He nodded and they left. After I closed the door and locked it. I flopped down on my couch. I laid my head on Draco's lap and he just looked down at me. "I love you..." he said. "I love you too. Boop!" I said booping his nose. "What was that?" He asked. "I just booped your nose Dragon my man." I said. He smirked. Crap. "'My Man'? So I'm your man now?" He asked smirking. I just nodded. Soon, it was late and we needed to head home. "Let's go Love." He said. I nodded and we walked to the train station. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he had his arm around my shoulders. I loved him. I truly loved him.

I woke up the next morning. I felt my leg burn. I got up and took the medication the doctors told me to take encase it starts hurting. Only one pill though. I quickly got dressed and headed to Hogsmeade. I heard a knock on the door, it was fragile and quite weak sounding. I opened the door to find a little girl. "E-excuse me m-miss, may I have s-something to eat?" She asked. I pulled her inside. "Where are your parents little one?" I asked.
"I don't have any..." she said sadly.
"You can stay here with me okay?" She nodded. "Now, I will come everyday after my classes, okay?" She nodded. "You may help yourself to anything. I'll show you around." I showed her the bathroom, kitchen, all bedrooms, and all other essentials. She hugged me. "On weekends, I spend the night here. And sometimes, for the summer, I stay here, if I don't I visit every week. But I will stay here this summer." She nodded and hugged me again. There was a knock on the door. She hid behind me the whole way to the door, she was about two. I opened the door to see Draco. "Hello! Come in!" I said. I picked up Carly. He looked shocked. "I'll explain later. How's everything going Draco?" I asked.
"Fine actually, just wanted to check on you." He said I nodded. I went to the kitchen and started making lunch. "What do you want for lunch sweetie?" I asked.
"Sandwich pwease." She said. I nodded and made her a sandwich. "You can go sit on the floor okay?" She nodded and sat on the floor in the living room. I made Draco and me sandwiches as well. I brought them out and gave one to Draco and sat next to Carly. We ate and talked and then, I put Carly down for a nap. I put her in my room. She fell asleep. "This morning, she knocked on my door, and, what was I supposed to do Draco? Leave her out in the cold? She is only two!" I said. Draco sat and was silent. "I support you and can help." He said I hugged him.
"If you want to stay the night Draco, you can. My oldest Brother's room is right over there. "Sure." I smiled and we watched a movie and I read. He went to go hang out with some friends so I was just me and Carly. "Carly, what do you want for dinner?" I asked.
"Can I have grilled cheese?" She asked. I nodded. I made two grilled cheese. Suddenly, there was a bang on the window. It was Draco's eagle owl. I opened it and grabbed the letter attached to his leg.

Dear Riv,
Sorry, can't make it tonight. I might come over tomorrow though. Your beloved boyfriend

Of course he couldn't make it. I put Carly on a chair and gave her the grilled cheese and we ate and talked. I felt like, somehow, I was her mother. Soon, at eight thirty, I put her to sleep. But, at midnight, I was in bed, she came into my room and she looked at me, tears in her eyes. I picked her up and carried her to my bed. "You can sleep with me tonight." I said. She hugged me.
"Thank you Mama." She said.
I was her Mama. I, I couldn't believe it. But I loved it.

Hey guys! Sorry for not very much Draco Pov this time. But do you like Carly? What a plot twist! Question, would you like Carly's Pov? Also guys, thanks for 100 views! Thank you so much! I was so excited when I saw it. I love you guys so much! Also, go check out my other books! I update all my books (except Daughter of the Slytherin prince.) at least once a week. At least I try to. But anyways guys, I love you all to death, my Crazy Little Turtles! See ya later!

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