Going back to Hell

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I walked slowly towards my home, the Black Manor. I opened the door and saw uncle Remus. "You'll be coming with me, your father fears he cannot give you the care you deserve." He said.
"Fine! All the moving! It SUCKS! It's not fair! I'm only 16! Ugh!" I said running out the door and hopping on my broom, invisibility cloak on. I flew to my new home and laid on my new bed. I locked the door. "River? I'm sorry to push so much onto your shoulders, but someone is here to see you. I got up and opened the door. "What do you-Draco? GET OUT! I don't care what you have to say just GET. OUT." I said. He looked at me. "Please, please just listen."
"No! I don't listen to murderers." I said coldly. He turned away to leave, "Draco wait, I, I love you." He stopped dead and I realized the words that had just come out of my mouth. "Wh-what did you say?" He asked. "I-I love you Draco, I should have said it long ago."

It was time to go back to hell-I mean school. Me and Draco separate. We did get back together, but my friends kinda wanna murder him. I walked to the train and sat in an empty compartment. It was cold all of a sudden. A cloaked figure crept towards me. "Come into the light. You'll be alright. I promise." Said the cloaked figure. "Who are you?! What do you want with me?!"
"Come into the light! The light!" It screamed before it crippled to the floor. I jolted awake. I saw the concerned faces of Ron, Hermione and Harry. "Are you okay?! What were you dreaming about?" Ron asked. "Ron! You don't just ask someone-"
"It's fine, Hermione. There was, a cloaked figure. He said, "Come into the light, you'll be alright." I asked who he was and what he wanted with me. He just said, "Come into the light! The light!" I don't know what was so important about this light. I think it related to the darkness and sadness and coldness, on the train. It felt, it felt like a dementor." I said.
"That could mean, a lot of things." Hermione said. "Yeah, I guess so. You guys, probably think, I have some sort of, mental disorder. And, I wouldn't blam-"
"We all have nightmares. It's fine." Ron said. I sighed. "I'm gonna, go get some air." I said. I got up and went into the hallway. I ran my hands roughly through my hair. Suddenly, someone hugs me from behind. Draco puts his chin on my head. "Hello, Dragon." I said. "Hello Love." He replied. I pulled away from him. "I'll be back." I said suddenly. I then hurried off to the girls restroom and changed onto my robes.

It was late in the common room and I felt so tired. I went up to bed and laid down, feeling slightly woozy.
Don't ignore me....sssss. A voice hissed. It was dark, so I couldn't see who he was. I panicked.
You will be with me, in the morning...ssss
I jerked awake and woke up in a unfamiliar room. It was cold and more like a prison cell. "Get the little Half blood from her cell," said the cold voice of Lucious Malfoy. I turned my back on him. I lady with a very high voice came. "Hello, and welcome to Malfoy Manor!" She said.
"I've been here before to see Draco, I know this place, but not this Wing. "Welcome, to my, Wing." Lucious said smirking. The girl dragged me out. I looked at the coldly. "Why am I here?" I asked.
"To see the Dark Lord of course!" Lucious said, he laughed after, so did the girl, her voice was so high pitched. She then dragged me. They must of thought I didn't have my wand. I felt around in my pocket and found it. I would use it later. I made a concealment charm around it and then pulled my hand away. "Forgot your wand in the dormitory? Oh how sad." Said the girl. I was then pushed into a room I recognize as the dining room. There were several people. Snape, Narcissa, and many others I did not know. "Lucious?! What is she doing here?!" Narcissa asked frightened. We had bonded. "That, is for the Dark Lord himself, to decide." He said. I looked to the head of the table and saw the man I had feared all my life. "Voldemort." I said quietly
"Ah, so the girl knows my name." He said.
"And do you know mine you serpent?"
"Of course. River, your black hair, your green and orchard eyes." I froze, I had never told anyone of my eyes, I usually used a concealment charm that lasted weeks on end. "My eyes are green." I said. He looked at me, but dared not look up at his disgusting face. "I think not." He released the charm on my eyes and I cried out in pain. When one takes it off before it wears off, it hurts. I looked at him coldly. "You monster. My family didn't deserve to die. But you killed them. My brothers. My Carly. I hate you for everything you've done, Tom." I said.
"Lucious. Do your worst." He said, pointing his head toward me. I looked up at him. He took my arm and I froze as he put his wand to my arm. I cried out in pain as he started engraving something into my arm. Blood dripped down my arm. I tried to rip my arm away but it only made it worse. After he was done, it all went black.

I woke up outside near the dark forest. I got up and ran through the doors of Hogwarts. I ripped open the doors of the great hall and I saw all eyes turn to me. Then I saw Mcgonagall and the Golden Trio  start running towards me. First years, Second years, Third years, Fourth years, Fifth years, Sixth years, they all came towards me. But as everyone started approaching me, the fresh 'mudblood' sign in my arm burned. I cried out in pain and dropped to my knees. As Ron and Harry got closer, they saw the word on my arm. Didn't anyone know I had pure blood. When Ron picked me up bridal style, I caught a glimpse of Draco's freaked out face.

"I was gone for a week?!" I asked in the hospital wing. Harry and Ron both nodded. "'Mione is it true?" I asked. She sighed and nodded. I then passed around the chocolate that people had given to me. "Ooo! Do you guys want to try a muggle treat that me and Hermione grew up loving?" I asked Ron and Harry. They nodded. I picked up a marshmallow and fed one to Harry. Hermione did the same with Ron. We laughed at their reactions. Harry looked like life just started making sense. I laughed. "What in the bloody hell! What muggle magic is this?!" He asked. I laughed and threw another marshmallow at him.

It was dark when I woke up. Today was the first quittich game of the year. I sighed, thinking of when I had played a couple years ago. I shuddered thinking of the falling. I shook my head and got my Slytherin scarf on.

Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in like, years, but I thought maybe this would be a kinda long chapter. Anyway, love you guys, bye!!!!!

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