You've been what?!

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I walk down the stairs into the common room and sit on one of the couches. My hood is up and I changed my hair to a chocolate brown. I put fake glasses on and wear baggy clothing. I saw Draco come down the stairs and he glanced at me. "Maybe, she's already at breakfast." I heard him mumble. As he left I sighed. "You're going to have to speak to him some time..." said Vele. I nodded. I had avoided him for a week and I felt horrible. At potions Snape pulled me aside. "River, child are you alright?" He asked, looking truly concerned. I then remembered what dad said.
"Don't trust him. He lies. You can trust me though..."

Although, my dad was a liar too. I nodded. "Yes, fine sir." I said. He nodded and I sat back down into my seat next to Draco. I had spoke to everyone of my teachers about why I was avoiding Draco and how my hair would look in their class.
Herbology-Green (duh)
Care of magical creatures-Dark blue
Quittich-Blonde (all except Draco know)
Other classes I just have Chocolate brown hair.

I walked up to Draco, hood up, hair back to normal, eyes back to normal, everything. I tap his shoulder. He turns around and looks straight ahead. Now I really feel short. "Um, down here." I say quietly. He looks down I pull my hood off and he hugs me tightly. "Where have you been?!" He asked. I changed my hair to all colors explaining. "After, well, you made me stay at your manor alone, I felt like you didn't want to see me anymore, so I avoided you..." I say sadly, looking down. He tilted my head up to look into his greyish blue eyes. "Love, I will always love you and care about you. Never forget that." He then kissed me softly. He dances me out to the tree and deepens the kiss. "I love you." He says. I smile. "I love you too Dragon!" I say, putting my arms around his neck. I realize my sleeve pulled up and I pretended I didn't see. Draco just pushed me against the tree and kissed me. I laughed between kisses. He then just held me tightly. "Ya know Love?" He says. I look up at him. "What?" I ask, smiling.
"Your reeeeaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyy short." He says. I playfully punch his shoulder and laugh. "Shut up!" I say laughing. He smiles down in me. "I love your laugh, your smile, everything about you is perfect, never change." He says softly. We sit under the tree cuddled until dinner. And when dinner came we went inside, grabbed food and headed back to the common room. We ate and laughed. I then payed on the sofa, exhausted. "Ugh, I have a meeting with the teaches tomorrow." I say grumpily. Draco chuckles at this and He lays down by the fire. I lay down beside him, my head on his chest. I listen to his heartbeat until I fall asleep. I wake up with a blanket on me and see I'm still by the fire, alone, I do have a pillow, bit where is big blonde pillow? I walk up to my dorm and see it empty. I change and then go back downstairs. I see Draco and walk over. I blow a black curl from in front of my face. Draco smiles and hugs me. I smile up and peck his lips. I then quickly jog off. "River!" Draco calls laughing. I run through the portrait. "Last one to the great hall is a rotten dragon egg!" I yell back to Draco. I speed up, going soccer speed (American Soccer) I race through the halls and arrive at the great hall, without a sweat. "Your fast babe." Draco says. I blush and giggle like a madman. "What babe?" Draco asks, pretending to not know. I pinch his shoulder playfully. We sit down and eat.


When e were eating, River's right sleeve pulled up a little and I saw something I thought I would never see again. I remember the day I threw the knife out of her hand.
"River don't!" I yelled. She ignored me and made a cut. "No!" I yelled, knocking the knife right out of her hands. "You can't do this!" I yell. "Why not?! I'm just a waste of space!" She screams, tears streaming down her face. "Admit it!" She crys.
"I love you! And never want you to get hurt. I can't lose you again." I say sadly. She wrapped her arms around my waist and cried into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her.
*Flashback over*

"River?" I ask, my voice shaking. I point at the cut. She quickly covers it. "River, did you?" I ask. She nods.
"I guess, I've just been depressed lately. She hides her head in her hands. "I know, okay, I know I'm disgusting." She says. I was about to say something but...
"Hey Black!" A Ravenclaw girl yells. River looks up. "You've done wrong, just like daddy, gonna end up in askaban or she'll kill her self! Either way, brilliant show!" The girl shouts, laughing with her friends. She gets up.


"That's it." I say.
"What did you say hun? Couldn't hear you over the dementors coming after you." She smirks. I raise my want to her throat. Ron appears behind me. "River don't. She's not worth it." He says, pulling me away and sitting me down with him, Harry, and Hermione. I sigh and look down at my lap. Ron puts his arm around my shoulders and holds me close. He examines my wrist too. "Again Riv?" He asks, looking them over and seeing the new cut lines. He tilts my chin up to look at him. "You need to stop! Please! We're all worried sick!" He says sadly. I nod at his words and get up. I walk down to the lake and cry. I feel like I've done that way too many times this year. Ugh. As I looked at my watch, it was 1:00. Gotta go meet the teachers at 1:30. Let's go...

Sorry guys if this is crappy! I thought. 'YO, GET DAT CHAPTER OUT FOR THE PEOPLES' then the other side of my brain, que British royal music...'Oh Darling dear, we've got time' so I decided to just put one out. Love ya guys, also go check out my other books!
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Bye my Crazy Little Turtles!

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