No. No. No.

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I stroke River's hair softly as she leans against my chest. She's been so emotionless lately, it scares me. River gets up. "Where are you going?" I ask immediately. "I'm going to my dorm, see ya Drakes." She says walking up the stairs to her dorm. I frown and nod. I walk up to my dorm as well. I sigh before I open up the door. I get my jacket on and walk down to the lake.

"I'm only human! And I trip and I fall down, I'm only human..." I hear River sing. I quickly hide behind a tree. And then, my heart breaks as I hear the next song. "Do you ever feel like breaking down? Do you ever wanna run away? Do lock yourself, in your room, with the radio on turned up so loud, and no one here's you screaming. No you don't know what it's like, when nothing feels alright, no you don't know what it's like, to be hurt, to feel lost, to be left out in the dark, to be kicked, wen your down, to feel like you've been pushed around..." I here her trail off. I then watch as she runs into the castle. I walk behind her and when she gets tot he common room, I wait five minutes before I go in. When I go in, Vele is holding River. I run over. "What happened?!" I ask. Vele looks up at me, tears in here eyes, "Someone cursed her." She said softly. I quickly picked her up bridal style and felt my heart start breaking. I quickly get her to the hospital wing. Someone comes out with a stretcher and ushers her into the room but they push me out. "Sir! Stay out!" A woman yelled. They locked the door I banged on it and then sat down, tears burning my eyes.


I opened my eyes to bright lights and when I move, I feel a pain in my side. I feel dizzy. Where was I? Where was Draco? I tried to get up but I couldn't support myself. "Oh darling your awake! Here's some tea." Said Madame Pomfrey. I open my mouth to thank her but nothing comes out. I try again but I can't speak. I see that my hair turned violet in fear. Madame Pomfrey looked shocked. I looked around for my wand. I grab it and write down my explanation. She nods. "Well dear, you can go home if you want, I'd rather prefer you to stay overnight but you can leave. I nod and get out of bed. I wobbly walk. I spell out with my wand, 'How long was I out?'
"Three days dear." Madame Pomfrey said. I was so alarmed. I got my things and ran, and being me,  tripped. FRICK. MY. LIFE. I was about to fall on my face, I felt someone pull me into a hug. It was, my blonde, Slytherin Prince. I hugged him back. "Love. Oh I was so worried!" He said I nodded. But just then, Vele tackles me out of Draco's arms. I basically can't laugh, but it looks like I can. "WHAT HAPPENED?! DRACO MALFOY I'MA KILL YA IF YOU DID SOMETHING TO HER!!" Vele said. Then my voice came back and I erupted into laughter. "I-*laugh*-lost-*laugh*-my*laugh*-voice." I said. Vele nodded. She then pulled me far away from Draco. "Let's go to dinner." She said. I nodded. We walked to dinner and at the very end off the table. We ate and talked. It was nice.

It was late as I secretly followed Draco. I had made myself invisible. It was passed curfew and he was up. I followed him up to the astronomy tower. And there was Dumbledore, he looked like he had been waiting for him. Draco pulled out his wand. And pointed, and pointed it at Dumbledore. My heart started racing. I was now hidden under the floorboards and was now visible. Draco was speaking but I couldn't hear it. Then, Snape, Snape killed him. He fell off the ledge and tumble to the ground. Once Snape left I got up and ran. I know Draco saw me. He was running after me now. I took a turn through a secret passage. Tears were blinding my vision. When I got to common room, I waited for Draco. When he got there I ripped his sleeve up to see, he had it. "What in the bloody hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled. "You killed the only person who actually cared! You, I just can't."


I tried to move to touch her, but she flinched. That hurt me. She ran up to her dorm and I went to mine. She had just broken up with me hadn't she?


I ran upstairs. Vele and Cami were startled. (Skylar moved to a different dorm.) I just burst into tears. They ran over to me and hugged me. "What happened?!" They asked. "He, he, he killed Dumbledore." They knew who I was talking about. "I'M GOING TO KILL HIM." Said Vele.
"Don't, it will only make it worse." I spoke softly. "But we have to,  wait, did he, did he have," Cami paused. "The mark?" She whispered. I nodded.

About midnight we went to bed. The next day I was sick. "See you tonight Riv," Cami said. I waved and sat in bed. I pulled out my book. I looked through all the memory's of me and Draco. There were many pictures. One was of us kissing, another was of Draco kissing my cheek and me blushing and giggling like a madman. I slammed the book shut and through it across the room. I turned my back on it and did my homework instead. I sighed as I finished the last thing. Cami came in. "Hey, I brought you lunch, mind if I join you?" She asked I nodded and took the food. She sat down next to me on the floor. "What happened there?" She asked, pointing at my thrown memory book. "I don't really know." And I don't know what me and Draco are.

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