Without you, I am nothing

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I'm an idiot.
I've done wrong.
I hate myself.
I feel broken.
I'm a jerk.
People hate me.
I'm sorry.
Forgive me, River.
I couldn't get the letter right. Ugh. I wish I could just go back. She is my everything.


It had been a week since Draco dumped me. But now, it was me and Ron. We started hanging out way more. Me and him are never really separated other than when we have to go to our common rooms. I hugged Ron. And hurried off. I skipped happily to my common room. Draco stared at me as I entered the room. Our eyes met for a second, then I looked away. I hurried to my dorm. That night I went to bed happy.


It's been a month since the Yule Ball. I'm finally gonna ask River to be my girlfriend. I quickly ran down the stairs and to the library. We always met in the back of it. I saw her sitting at a table and I ran over. My Heart was racing. "River!" I said. She looked up and hugged me. "River, I have a very important question to ask." I said she nodded. "Will you, be my girlfriend?" She gasped, and then did something unexpected. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed me. Kissed me. Kissed me. It was the most amazing thing ever.


Everyone in the library saw them kiss. The teacher wasn't there, so people were whistling and saying, "You go Weasley!" I hated it. I got out of the line at and went back to the common room. I would ask her about it later.


It's been a week since me and Ron started dating. We've done so much. Ron even rode with me on my broom! He said he loved it. I smiled and kissed his cheek. Tonight would be the last night of the Triwizard tournament. I held onto Ron's arm. I watched as Harry, Cedric, Fleur, and Vicktor went into the maze.

It seemed like an hour later, I saw Harry emerge with Cedric, Cedric, being dead. I gasped and looked at Ron. He held me closer. "I won't let anyone hurt you." He said. I just barried my head into the side of his shoulder. He pet my hair softly and calmed me down. We left and I felt my self getting so emotional. Ron led me to my Common room door. I hugged him one last time and then went inside.


I laid my head on the wall. Fear struck me. What if something happens to her in there and I can't protect her? I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked back to see Hermione. We walked back to our common room. "She'll be alright Ron." She said. I nodded and went to my dorm. I felt myself shiver as I entered.


Guess what? This summer, I'm going home with the Weasleys! I was so excited. I laid my head on Ron's shoulder. He had his arm around me. We had a great year.

The night we returned was great. I did feel a little short though. I mean, even Ginny's taller than me. GINNY! But I was okay. I love being here. I was I could always be here...

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