2. Friends

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Draco's POV.

I woke up the next morning. That River girl seemed too happy, I think I might pick on her after potions today! Hahaha! I got into uniform and went down stairs. I saw her there. "Good morning!" She said cheerfully. I yawned in response. "Well, I'm going off to breakfast, you wanna come?" She asked. I nodded. We walked to the Great hall. The ceiling looked stormy. Well, okay then. We got breakfast and sat down. She smiled as I sat next to her. Ugh. We ate and went to our first class. After potions, she got out of the classroom first and I ran after her.

"Hey! River!" I called. She turned around and smiled, she waved. "Hey, why you so happy all the time? It's weird, and, your name is weird. Why do you always have that stupid smile on your face?" I asked meanly. She teared up, and as she ran off, she cried. What have I done?

"Hey! What did you do?! You broke our little sister! How could you!" I'm guessing her twin older brothers, yelled at me. I ignored them and ran off after her. When I went into the common room, I couldn't see her, but then, I spotted her in a corner away from everyone.

"River?" I said, approaching her. She looked scared, and I don't how it's possible, but she backed farther into the wall. "Don't worry, I just wanna talk," I said. She stood up, her eyes were red, from crying I guess, and she looked at me.

"What?" She asked. I looked at her with all the sincerity I could.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of said those things, please forgive me." I said sadly. She looked at me.

"I will forgive you, as long as you be my friend." She said. I smiled.

"I would love to." I said. And that was that.

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