Daddy's little secret

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I read the letter over and over again.

Come home...
It's urgent...
Love, Your Father

I got up as the door to where I was sleeping in opened. "Darling? Your Uncle Remus is going to pick you up!" Said Mrs. Weasley. "Okay, thanks..." I say, looking down at the letter again.

When Remus got there I hugged him and then I grabbed his arm as we apparated. We arrived at my father's home. I but my lip and went inside. Remus gave me a sorry smile and left. I looked up at the staircase and ran up the stairs. I quickly put all my belongings in the green room with silver bed coverings. I heard someone enter my room I smiled and hugged my Dad. "Daddy!" I said. He laughed and hugged me back. "Princess!" He said happily. He set me down. "We need to talk about something..." he said, looking nervous. "You, were asking questions of your mother, and, I know you don't know who she is..." he said sitting down. I nod and sit down across from him. "Well,  your mom is, is, Rosie, it always was." I gasped and then knew, I would never see her again. I felt hot, angry tears run down my face. "Why couldn't you have told me sooner?!" I asked, anger lacing my voice. "Because I didn't know you were alive until last year!" He thundered. That was it. I ran out the door with my cat, owl, and trunk. I couldn't take it. I don't know why I did it, but I put on my invisibility cloak and jumped on my broom. I flew to Draco's home.


I was outside and I saw something strange. River was flying into the woods by my home. I ran in to where she landed and she collapsed in my arms. "My, my f-father is a l-liar." She sobbed into my shoulder. I pulled her close to my body and knew she was hurting.

It's been a week since River started staying with us. She hasn't really spoken and if she does speak it's in whispers. Every time I see her, my heart breaks a little more.

"River?" I ask, standing next to her by the pond. She doesn't look at me. "Is everything alright Love?" I ask. She nods her head. I see something on her wrist. She must have noticed because she covered it quickly and looked at me nervously. "You know Love, we're going back to Hogwarts in a couple of days...I know it will make you happy!" I say. She nods and a small smile graces her lips.


Today I was to stay at Malfoy Manor alone. I sat in the room I had been staying in finishing some homework. "It's late, I should get to bed, Hogwarts tomorrow." I said to myself. I quickly got into my pjs and before I even hit the pillow, I fell asleep.

I woke up at 7:00 and got ready. I collected all of my things, shrinking my broom with a potion. I quickly slipped out into the hallway to see Tibby. "Hello Tibby! What's for breakfast?" I said cheerfully. She smiled back. "Pancakes Ms. Black." She said. I smiled and hurried to the dining room putting my items into the living room. I sat at the table alone and quickly ate. I went out the door and hurried to the train station.

"Love? Where were you? You scared me!" Draco says as we get on the train. "Here." I say honestly. "Alright, as long as your okay." He said. I nodded and went back to my book. "Love, you rarely talk, what's the matter?" He asked. I just ignore it. "Love, answer me." He says firmly. I ignore him again. He frowns. "Answer me River!" He says. "Would you just stop caring so much?! I don't even matter! So stop!" I yell, hot tears running down my cheeks. I run out and to the girls bathroom. I lock the door and cry.

When we arrive at Hogwarts I hide myself by putting my hood up. I see Draco over look me, my hair looks blue. I gasp. I can't believe it! I can change my appearance at will and with my emotions. I changed my hair to a dirty blonde and changed my eyes to green. I take off my hood and begin eating. I look around me and realize, I'm sitting alone. I smile and continue my meal.

When we go back to the common room, I change my hair back to it's normal Black and my eyes back to their orchard and emerald. I quickly run up the stairs to my dorm and change into my pjs. I quickly get into bed and sigh. Soon, I'm fast asleep.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating! I have been super busy! School starts soon! But I hope you guys have enjoyed, I think this chapter turned out pretty good. Do you? Comment below! Like, Comment, Love! Love you guys! Bye!

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