Summer of Pain

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Me and Carly were dropped off at Malfoy Manor. I knocked on the door and Draco came sprinting out picking me up in a hug. He then picked up little Carly and swung her around. We then went inside. I put me and Carly's stuff in the guest bedroom, which, they added a second bed. "Would you like to go for a walk Love?" He asked. I nodded and picked up little Carly. We went outside and to the tree. I set down Carly and climbed the tree. "Love what are you-" I kissed him. "Shut up Malfoy! Your cuter when your quiet!" I said laughing. I then remembered something. I got out a letter. "Oh yes, did you hear Drakes? That there having the, ahem eh eh eh, The Goblet, of FIRE!" I said and then started laughing. He laughed along. I got down and put Carly in my lap. She was playing with something. It was a letter. She handed it to me. I looked at the words. I grabbed Carly and grabbed Draco's hand. I grabbed my purse when we were inside. "Draco? Can one of your parents drive us to the wizarding hospital? Never mind, we'll run!" I said, strapping Carly into the stroller. I ran along the side walk. When we finally got to the wizarding Hospital, I talked tot he receptionist and got the room number. When I got to room 135, I waited outside for a moment. "Draco, I'm going to meet my sister..." I said. He gasped. "And her daughters and sons." I said. "Could, you maybe wait out here?" I asked. He nodded and I walked into the room. And there she was. "R-Rowan?" I questioned. The girl looked at me and tears welled in her eyes. And tears welled in mine. I ran to her. "River...little River. She said. I felt so helpless. She held me close. "Oh River, sweet, innocent, clueless River."
And then it all went black. I woke up in the guest room. "Riv? You okay?" Said Draco. I nodded my head. Wait. We're going to the World Cup today! Yes! I felt myself being lifted up. I put my arms around Draco's neck and laughed. I then pushed him out, locked the door and changed into some everyday clothes. Then, I got Carly dressed. "Be good for the nanny okay sweets?" I said. She nodded her head and I walked out with Draco. He had his arm around my waist, and I had my arm around his. was that easy, ya know, he's like, as tall as a skyscraper! But his Dad's taller. We walked to a port key.

Basically, when they got back to Malfoy Manor, she headed up to bed. The letter was never there. She just imagined the day before, in her dream. Sorry, just had to clear that up

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