Chapter 18-Our Team is Completed

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So as the match went on I was able to do some monster serves earning some points and shocked stares from everyone. I'm not sure if they've ever seen my matches before where I play at 7.0 power and stuff like that. When my team needs me or when they can't do it on their own I build up their confidence by winning the first sets.I wouldn't like to be the playing on the opposite team when I'm mad though.I get pretty tough.Not once has anyone been able to block my spikes of fury.(I was inspired by Noya to name my anger spikes)

From the looks of it the coach looks impressed. He seems to have this evil smirk.Lol I knew it.

So the score was now.

22 - 24 Neighbourhood assoc. In the lead.

Hinata is now blocking.Cooool. it's like Hinata vs. The Karasuno ace. I need to see this.

I saw a contact with Suga and Asashi.Hmm interesting. I'll need to watch Asashi's hand form to see what spike he's gonna do.

Daichi served which Noya easily received to Suga.

That form is a parralel toss.
I quickly got into position. If Hinata doesn't get it I'll cover.
He was able to get a one-touch but that sent it all the way to the back. It was not possible for me at that moment hence we lost the match.
He kept apologizing but that wasn't a real biggie. He got a one-touch at I think that accommplishment was good.

"Nice One touch,Muffin-chan." I said squishing his cheeks.

"T-thabnk y-yb-bu.) Thank you

"Too cute.We'll get the next one." I said patting his head failing to realise his red face.


Hight and strenght in volleyball is essential.People with natural hight and strenght on the court are very lucky. I unfortunately don't have any of that. I'm only taller that Hinata by 2 inches.Since I was young I've been training to protect myslef from the dangers that lurked within my house known as Family . If I was weak I would not have been able to get out from that life of hell,honestly.I learned and mastered many Martial Arts but...I'm naturally flimsy and whimpy as they say it. I may be strong but if I don't force myself still if someone pushes me I'll probally fall and roll away. It's silly actually but..apparantly it's true. I'm very fragile. Over the years I was able to learn to be strong.My cousin,Chiisana Kyojin
and two childhood friends of mine know about what went on at home.It was when at a point where I needed to learn self-defence so that's what I did.Volleyball is a good distraction and that's why I love playing.

I can tell Hinata envies Asashi's height and strenght.I do too but that's why we gotta adapt.I'll have some individual training excercises for strenght for Hinata. He doesn't have what Asashi does but..He has Stamina,fast reflexes and Jumping ability. That's great honestly and with Kageyama here to toss to him. His abilities could be multiplied.Yaa-Wtf.

Hinata just got hit in the face.

That spike sent him frlying to the ground.

Pft.Hahaha.No offence but Cheese sticks that was funny.



I ran and got a towel for him and went back to the net.

Poor Asashi. He looked horrified.

Everyone ran to him

"It's his fault no-matter how you look at it,for being an air-head." Tsukishima stated.

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