Chapter 2- The Truth, Part II

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Koda gazed sternly down at Kendall. "Now you really will feel power of caveman strength!"

"This isn't him," Kendall murmured to herself. "They must be mind controlled or something. The real Graphite, Pink, Green, and Blue Rangers would never hurt me." She scrambled to her feet, but the four Rangers had surrounded her, blocking off any escape.


With all the strength she had left, she ran towards where Koda and Shelby had joined hands and broke the chain, catching them by surprise. Riley whirled around and fired another blast from his Dino Morpher, but Kendall dodged it narrowly, accidentally barreling into the table. She ignored the momentum and ran, tearing out the door and into the museum. She flew out of the museum too, desperate to get away. She had no more protection, not unless she managed to get to Tyler and his dad. The ground zoomed past beneath her in a blur.

"I have to keep going," she panted as she began slowing down. She cast a quick glance behind her. No one was there. "They'll come after me sooner or later."

"Or maybe we've already found you." Kendall skidded to a stop as Shelby's voice rang out in the air around her.

"Guys, just stop! I get it, you don't like me. But I don't deserve this!"

A bright violet light flashed in front of her and an outraged cry echoed through the air. Kendall looked up and saw Chase in front of her, morphed, with a blaster clasped in his hands. The light flashed again and Kendall gasped as Shelby fell into the dust and demorphed, laying motionless.

"Chase, thank you!" Kendall sighed, falling to her knees.

Chase demorphed himself and bent to help her up. "These aren't our friends," he told her. "They may be under some kind of spell to make them think that you're also the enemy, but we can't hurt them too." He glanced back at Shelby. "We'll deal with her later. But are you okay?"

"No," Kendall cried, leaning against Chase. "They... attacked me. It wasn't just Shelby and Riley. Prince Phillip and Koda were in on it too."

"What?" Chase drew back in horror, making Kendall stumble. "Prince Phillip attacked you?!"

"That wasn't the worst part, though."

"Then what was?"

Kendall took in a deep, shuddering breath. "They destroyed my Energem."

"What? Oh god..."

The Black Ranger morphed again and lifted Kendall into his arms. Kendall rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes as Chase carried her back towards the café. As they arrived, Chase demorphed. Ivan, James, and Tyler greeted them.

"What happened to Miss Morgan?" Tyler asked immediately. Chase hesitated, wondering if he should tell his friends.

"It's okay, you can tell us," Tyler's dad agreed.

Chase took a deep breath. "She was attacked by the Prince, Riley, Shelby, and Koda. I knocked out Shelby when she attacked again."

Tyler's eyes lit up with worry. "Shelby's a part of this?" He shook his head. "I thought she cared about Miss Morgan."

Chase stopped him. "But that's not the worst part."

"Then what is?"

Chase looked afraid. "Her Energem was destroyed."

"What?" James gasped. "That is really bad."

"Why?" Chase asked.

"First, Tyler, go find your girlfriend and see what's up with her. We'll stay here and help Miss Morgan," Ivan said. Tyler nodded and shot out the door.

"Now what is it?" Ivan questioned.

James gazed at Kendall nervously. "The Purple Energem was the only Energem that ended up being connected to the owner's life force. Unless the tie was properly severed, like the previous Purple Ranger had Keeper do to them, the Energem would remain bonded to the person's energy and life force. If the Energem was destroyed in any other way, that could mean trouble. If we don't figure out an alternate source to use, then..."

"Then what?" Chase anxiously shifted his grip on Kendall.

"...she could possibly die," James finished.

"What?" Ivan gulped.

"Why was the Purple Energem the only Energem that connected to life force?" Chase asked James.

"No one knows," James replied apprehensively. "But we need to help Kendall."

At that moment, Tyler rushed in, holding an unconscious Shelby tightly in his arms. A trickle of blood seeped out of her mouth and her arms were patterned with many bruises.

"She attacked again," he explained. "I had to fight back. It's like- she wasn't even in her own mind. The Shelby I know would never attack her friends. Especially me."

"Well, we just found out that Miss Morgan is in danger," Chase retorted. "She could apparently die without her Energem bonded to her."

Tyler gasped in shock and dropped Shelby, who hissed as she hit the ground. He ignored her. "She can't! We need her!"

Kendall moaned and raised her head. Her eyes widened as she spotted Shelby on the pavement. "Get her away from me!"

"Chill," Tyler placed a hand on her shoulder. "We'll figure out what's wrong with her, but remember, she may not be in control of her own mind. She may be blameless."

"Maybe," Kendall snapped. "But because of her, I'm going to die! She shattered my Energem! I never asked to be the only one with a life force connection to my Energem!" Her voice began to crack as tears welled up in her eyes. "I was so happy being a Power Ranger until now, when I found out what happened when it's gone! And now, it'll all be gone!"

"Kendall, you're working yourself up too much," James sighed. "We'll find you an alternate way for you to stay alive."

"But Dad, nothing can replace an Energem," Tyler pointed out, "especially when it comes to something like this."

"On the contrary, Tyler," his dad responded. "If we could get hold of the other nine Energems, we may be able to restore the Purple Energem and revitalize her life force."

"Well, we got one." Kendall stretched her arm out and snatched Shelby's Energem from the chain around her neck. Shelby whimpered as the gem was yanked out of her grasp. Tyler took the Energem from her and gave it to his father.

"What about the others?" Ivan asked.

"We need to get Kendall to a safe place first," Chase murmured. "She needs us. Tyler, you and your dad can go get the other Energems. Kendall may not have much time left." Tyler nodded and James led his son out the door after giving Chase both of their Energems.

Chase looked down at the Red, Aqua, Pink, and Black Energems in his secure inside pocket as Ivan added his Gold one to the cluster. "We will keep Miss Morgan alive," he vowed. "We will not stop until she is well again or we perish trying to save her." Chase agreed.

Kendall glanced up at them as Chase started to carry her back to the lab, with Ivan following. She clung to him gently, silently begging him not to go back there, but he knew what he was doing. No one will hurt her while I'm around, he vowed silently. We will save you, Kendall. Just hold on tight.

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