Chapter 14- Final Words

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Chase stood frozen in place as he stared at Kendall. Prince Phillip, Koda, and Riley were advancing on her from all sides, all of them holding knives in both hands. His mind whirled as a thought flashed through his head. If she dies here, her Energem can't restore her! I have to save her!

Before he could move, Prince Phillip struck, one of his daggers cutting through the air and scraping Kendall's left arm as she dodged out of the way. As her arm began to bleed, she whimpered and tried to scramble over the box she had been hiding behind so she could escape.

"Oh no you don't!" Riley darted toward her and grabbed her bleeding arm, yanking her backwards. She gasped as her body crashed to the ground and Chase blinked in shock. The Green Ranger's blade slashed through the air, cutting through Kendall's side, and she cried out in pain as she felt it begin to bleed as well.

"No!" Chase shouted. "Get away from her!" He didn't wait for an answer before charging, knocking the Green Ranger off Kendall. She backed up against the wall as Chase stood in front of her.

Koda growled angrily. "Stop and get out of the way!"

"Not a chance." As the Blue Ranger rushed at him, Chase raised his arm and pushed him away. Koda thrust his leg out and kicked him in the chest, sending him sprawling next to his girlfriend. Kendall tried to reach out to him, but her fingertips barely brushed his arm before Prince Phillip seized her by the shoulders and dragged her away from him, throwing her against the other wall. She collapsed in the dust without making a sound, her eyes tightly closed.

"Kendall!" Chase quickly recovered himself and ran around the Graphite Ranger toward her. She didn't move an inch as he knelt down next to her, shaking her gently. A few drops of blood trickled from the corner of her mouth. She can't be dead...

"She isn't dead yet," Riley laughed. "But-"

"And she won't be!" Chase roared.

"Right, whatever you say."

"If you kill her, I'll kill you!"

"I'd like to see you try."

These words unnerved Chase. He released Kendall and as he did, Riley pounced, pinning his hands on her neck as he kicked Chase away from her. Kendall finally began to stir, pawing feebly at him to break his grip, but she knew he would never yield. He increased the pressure on her throat and she really attempted to struggle, stars flooding through her vision. A gasp broke from her as her eyes closed again and her body went limp.

"Chase! Miss Morgan!" Chase jumped as he heard Tyler's voice behind him and a sudden burst of red energy bolts flew into the alley. Almost all of them hit Riley and Koda. The Prince ducked when the bolts were aimed at him. Chase blinked as Koda fell to the ground, his body fading into the mist as night fell upon them. Riley barely had any more luck. He just managed to dodge the last few bolts, glaring hatred at Tyler as Shelby, Ivan, and James came up behind him.

"Miss Morgan!" Shelby wailed, her earsplitting cry echoing through the alley.

Before she could rush over to her, Prince Phillip hissed and stood in front of her body, shielding it from the help of her friends. At once, Chase launched himself at him, unbalancing him and tossing him against the ground. He recovered immediately and instead of throwing himself at Chase, he attacked Kendall, thrusting her body at Riley, who stabbed her in the shoulder, then ripped the knife out and kicked her away. Chase raced forward and caught her as she collapsed.

"Kendall, no, no, no, no this can't happen," the Black Ranger moaned, trying to stem the blood leaking from her side, shoulder, and arm. He placed one hand on her chest, his breath catching in his throat as he felt her heartbeat stuttering beneath it. "Kendall!"

"Miss Morgan, no!" Tyler gasped.

Her eyes flitted open for a moment and looked straight at Chase, her gaze pleading with him to do something, but they both knew it was too late for her.

"Chase... I..."

"Kendall, no! Please, don't leave us! Don't leave me!"

"I... I love you..."

Chase put one hand under her head and slowly lifted it up. Kendall knew what he was doing and closed her eyes again as their lips met, giving each other a brief moment of bliss before Chase pulled away, leaving both of them feeling confused and anxious.

"I love you too..."

Gently, Chase encircled her with his arms and pulled her closer to him, never wanting to let go. Kendall arched her back as she tried to take in breath, making Chase grow more panicked by the second. I'm going to lose her! NO!

Shelby, Ivan, James, and Tyler slowly walked over to them and surrounded the pair, blocking the Prince from getting to them. Shelby gasped when she heard Chase whisper, "She's dying. It's for real this time."

Chase didn't relinquish his grip as Shelby fell to her knees beside him, throwing her arms over Kendall.

"We came all this way and restored her Energem to save her!" the Pink Ranger sobbed. "And it was all for nothing!"

"It... wasn't... for nothing..." Kendall rasped. "They... they will die too. What Prince Phillip and Riley didn't know was that unless someone... killed them first, like... Koda, then when they... would kill... me, they would die... too..." More crimson blood spurted out of her wounds as she spoke.

"Wait, that's what it would take to defeat them?" James gulped. "And you knew? But why didn't you tell us? We could have told Keeper so he could've helped us find a solution."

"I don't know. I guess I didn't... want to... burden you with... that knowledge." Kendall struggled to open her eyes, but failed. She began shivering, her body convulsing in Chase's arms.

"Listen, I... I was ashamed of what was happening. Before then, you had always known me as a serious and dignified mentor and when they attacked me, I instantly knew what was happening and how to stop it, but I was too humiliated to admit it to anyone. Plus, I knew what it would do to all of you as well. But it was my fault, all of it. I must have done this to them. I put all of us in danger. This all happened because of me."

"No way!" Chase shook his head. "I would have done the same if I had been in your position. I promise, none of it was your fault."

"I'm sorry." Kendall's gaze flooded with love and sadness. "But you will be okay without me. I failed you all anyway."

"No, you didn't!" Chase protested. "Shelby told me that you said it yourself: When you make mistakes, you correct them. No excuses. None of those mistakes that you said you made were real. You're the best of us and I love you for who you are."

"Thank you," she whispered. "Remember, I... I love you."

Chase stared at her, eyes widening, as Kendall crumpled in his arms, her last breath echoing in his ears like the final remnants of a shattered dream.

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