Chapter 30- Wings Of Darkness

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"We're not just giving up, are we, right?" Shelby broke in tearfully. "We've managed to save her from so much; this can't be happening!"

"We're not giving up," Tyler snapped.

"But how can we-?" Chase broke off as Kendall's eyes suddenly opened, blinking slowly at him. "Wh- what's going on?"

"Kendall, you are going be okay," Koda said, clearly under the impression that the Purple Ranger knew she had been poisoned. "We help you."

"Help me with what?" Chase set her down on her feet and she staggered, looking confused. "What happened? Is Henry gone? What did he do to me?"

"Yes, he's gone," Ivan sighed. "But... well, Chase, maybe you should tell her." Kendall turned toward him expectantly. "Why are you guys acting so weird?"

"Kendall, you've been poisoned," Chase blurted out.


"Before we killed Henry, he mentioned the fact that he'd wanted to destroy Shelby and had set poison through you. When you lost your morph, that might have been when it happened."

"So I..." Kendall cut herself off quickly and Tyler stared questioningly at her. "Are you alright?" Her body was shaking and her expression was changing into one of horror. All of a sudden, something flew into the center of the group and everyone's eyes widened as they saw too late that it was a grenade, which exploded rapidly, sending the Rangers flying. Kendall had been right in its path and screamed as agony coursed through her body. Prince Phillip recovered first and dashed over to her. The injured girl was struggling to breathe again and to relief herself from the scare as the Graphite Ranger helped her up. She thrust her hand against her neck, wincing in pain as it touched the purple flash.

"Let's go before we encounter any more of Henry's traps that he laid before he left," Riley breathed. "And Kendall... we need to get help for you."

She sniffed. "I don't think that's possible. Being at the hospital is torture for me!"

"But it might be the only-"


"Kendall Morgan, this is the only way to save you and you know it!"

"I'LL BE FINE!" Kendall turned on her heels and tried to run, but she didn't get far, accidentally tripping over the curb and sprawling to the pavement. Face red with shame, she got up again and shot away, swiftly disappearing around the corner.

"Kendall!" Shelby wailed. "How are we going to find her now? Knowing her, she'll take extra precautions to hide herself. But wait..." Her face changed. "Why did she run off? That is more unlike her than I've ever seen before." She grimaced as her twisted ankle buckled beneath her; she was surprised that she'd made it so long without noticing it.

"That Henry must have been able to get his dirty hands on the most dangerous type of toxin," James grumbled. "The poison is messing with her mind. If she stays away from help too long, she's probably going to die."

Tyler glared at his father. "Dad, please zip it. I appreciate the clarification, but you're not helping."


"What's important now is finding her before she can get hurt again."


Kendall whimpered as she darted through the night, rain pouring from the sky and making her splash through puddles. Ever since Chase had mentioned the poison inside her, she could feel the pain of it searing her throat and slowly spreading through the rest of her body.

"I don't know how much longer I can go on," she wheezed, beginning to limp as she took a shortcut to the edge of town by the beach. She watched the waves crash harshly against the shore as her tired legs carried her down to the edge of the water and took her into the shallows. But she didn't stop there. In the dark, she couldn't see much, but her body seemed to have a mind of its own. The salty ocean water kept threatening to sweep her away, but she didn't care. Kendall knew what she was doing, knew the dangers of death, yet she continued into the tide.

The seafloor gradually vanished from beneath her feet, so she began to swim. A large mound of water swarmed over her, causing her to sputter and cough as the acrid liquid filled her mouth and made her eyes burn. She wanted to scream, but forced herself not to. Now, her mind didn't care if she died. Another wave spilled over her and this time, she didn't struggle as she slipped beneath the surface. Her eyes closed and a dark abyss yawned beneath her as darkness swallowed her up and the world fell away from her.


A night finally came when Chase was able to sleep, the comforting warmth of Shelby and Tyler being all that was keeping his nightmares from getting too scary and waking him. When he finally woke again, he was immediately alert. Tyler woke at around the same time, got out of the bed, and grabbed the remote to switch on the TV for the news. Shelby rolled her eyes and started to follow the Black Ranger out the bedroom door.

"Wait!" Tyler called. "Come back, you need to see this!"

The urgent tone in his voice summoned them in an instant, but all to be seen on the TV was a moving picture of the raging ocean.

"What's so important?" Shelby tilted her head to the side.

And then a female Chinese reporter with long black hair came into view and began to speak.

"The ocean is a very dangerous place, especially in a storm. A stormy sea is especially hazardous at night, when almost nothing can be seen. A girl was found last night on the beach, drowning in the water, and with signs of being there since last night." The camera turned farther down the beach, where two paramedics were kneeling in the sand over an unmoving female with wet clothes pressing against her body, pushing on her chest as she remained passive. But to Tyler, Shelby, and Chase, she didn't look like "just a girl." To them, she looked a bit familiar, with long, wet brown hair splayed out against the grainy ground and the gentle face that all the Rangers had known since they had first met her...

"This female has also been checked for anything infecting her and it has been found that there is a fatal type of poison traveling through her system. If you know her, you must be warned to not get your hopes up. She has apparently suffered previous injuries and there may possibly be no way of saving her-"

Tyler switched off the television, breathing hard. "We need to go."

"Let's get to the beach," Shelby murmured. "I have an even worse feeling than before that she's going to be in more danger than ever if we don't hurry to help. Kendall never should have left."

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