Chapter 8- The Meeting

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That night, Kendall lay away in bed, squirming uncomfortably on the bandages wrapped around her torso to keep her bleeding in check. She snuggled up to Chase again, finding more comfort in the way that he held her close. She knew that they were safe for that night, but somehow, thoughts of what the next day would be like unnerved her. She grabbed her glasses from the new nightstand and put them on for a brief moment, glancing around at the other three beds in the room containing Tyler, Ivan, and James.

"Hey, you okay?" Chase whispered from beside her, waking up instantly. "It'll be fine, but you'll definitely need some sleep for it."

Kendall took off her glasses and blinked worriedly at him. "It's not that. It's just- what happens if we can't work it out with them? They'll kill both me and Shelby and maybe even the rest of you."

"That will never happen," Chase sighed sincerely, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I promise, everything will be fine. Now go to sleep, my love." Kendall closed her eyes and let his deep breathing lull her to sleep.

The next morning, everyone was awake by 8:00 in the morning, except for Kendall, who slept until 10:00. Chase made a few pancakes for her and set them on a glass plate. He knew that she naturally enjoyed independence, but at this point, she was depending completely on the four Rangers. Kendall yawned exhaustedly as she plodded down the steps, sinking into a seat at the counter and straightening her glasses on her face.

"Rest well, Sleeping Beauty?" James laughed. Kendall shot an angry glare at him and he immediately dropped his gaze as she pushed her breakfast away. "I'm not hungry, Chase."

"What?" Tyler stared at her in surprise. "But you have to eat. We must be ready."

"I'll be ready without food," she replied stubbornly.

Chase shook his head. "Kendall..."

"I'll be fine!" She pushed her chair away from the counter and limped towards the living room, collapsing on the couch.

"Something tells me that this will be a lot rougher than we think," Ivan said.

Later, at 1:25, they all left the house and headed into the woods, knowing exactly where the Prince would be. Kendall tried to hang back, but Chase urged her on. Tyler, Ivan and James fanned out in the front. But by 1:40, they seemed to be lost.

"Where could they be?" Tyler asked frantically. "I don't like the fact that he could sneak up on him at any moment."

"Oh, but maybe I don't need to." Everyone jumped as Prince Phillip's stern voice rang out through the forest. He was walking towards them from out of the mist, flanked by Riley and Koda. Both Koda and the Prince were morphed and Riley looked furious at being unable to do the same. Shelby trailed behind them, looking defeated and ashamed.

"Do you have something- or someone for us?" Riley questioned angrily, glaring at Kendall, his gaze burning into hers.

"Guys, can't we just come to a better compromise?" James protested.

"Surely, there's a better way of settling this without killing," Chase added.

"We only want Kendall," Prince Phillip snapped. "Give her to us and we will let you have Shelby back, alive and well."

"You will never take her!" Chase yelled. At that moment, though, Shelby decided that it would probably be a good idea to make a break for it. Before anyone could speak again, she darted around Koda and raced toward the others, running as fast as she could. The second she ran around Ivan, Koda, Riley, and the Prince charged at the group. Kendall attempted to run away, but tripped over a root, sprawling to the ground. Chase sped over to her and helped her up, pulling her away from the oncoming Rangers back toward the city. But Riley dodged around the group as well, making a beeline for Kendall. He slammed straight into her, knocking her away from Chase and ripping off the bandages that surrounded her midsection. She cried out as her back began bleeding again.

"Get away from her!" Chase shouted, rushing at Riley. He nimbly eluded the Black Ranger and led him farther on into the forest, leaving Kendall completely defenseless and unprotected.

Meanwhile, Tyler had run after Shelby, trying to get her to return, but she had obviously decided that her best bet would be to keep running. He kept going, pursuing her deeper into the trees. Ivan and James were trying to fend off Phillip and Koda, but they soon sidestepped the Gold and Aqua Rangers and flew towards Kendall. She gasped and picked herself up off the ground as she tried to flee, leaving a trail of blood behind her. Koda overtook her first and threw his Stego Shield at her. It narrowly missed, but one of the spikes on it hit her in the back of the head, causing her to grit her teeth as pain scorched through her. He picked it up again and thrust his foot out, striking her hard on her back where the bullet wound was. Kendall shrieked in agony as she crashed to the ground, hitting it with such force that the world spun around her. She barely managed to regain her vision before he was on top of her again, smashing his hand against the back of her neck to hold her down. Prince Phillip soon caught up with them and gazed approvingly down at the Blue Ranger.

"Well done, Koda," he congratulated him. "As for you..."

Kendall was struggling to take Koda's hand off her neck, but she knew that it was no use resisting. She was on her own.

But Ivan and James hadn't completely forgotten about her. Both of them bolted towards the Prince, but unfortunately for them, he was strong enough to keep them both at bay.

"Don't kill her just yet!" the Graphite Ranger yelled at Koda. "I want to have some fun with her too."

The caveman obediently stayed in the same position, keeping her pinned down in the dirt. Kendall finally stopped struggling and lay motionless in the dust, trying to distance her mind from what was happening to her.

"Koda, stop!" she wailed frantically. "This isn't you!"

"Actually, it is," Koda said coldly. "I am completely myself. I have no doubts about ending your days, but I will prolong it once the Prince joins me."

So it really is them? I shouldn't have come at all. How could I be so stupid?

She began to cry, tears falling from her eyes and sinking into the dust below her, blurring her vision again even through her glasses. Prince Phillip had finally moved around James and Ivan and left Riley to lure them to where Chase was. All of them still seemed to seek revenge for his first attack.

"Now I can deal with you," the Graphite Ranger spat at Kendall. "Koda, let her go."

Koda released Kendall, but she didn't move. She knew what was going to happen and she was incapable of preventing it. Her image was destroyed and she was no longer known as the strong, independent leader she once was. Now, she was at the mercy of the two Rangers, who she had once thought of as trustworthy friends.

I hope this will be swift.

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