Chapter 13- Healing The Pain

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"Guys, push your power in!" Chase called. "It might speed up the process faster."

That was exactly what happened. As Ivan, Shelby, Tyler, and James started powering up the machine, a light purple form began to materialize in the small center container.

"It's working!" Chase let out a breath of relief. "Keep up the power!" When he finally added his own with it, a bright purple light flew out from the middle of the Energem circle, enveloping all of the Rangers there. The Black Ranger held his breath as the light cleared.

And that's when he saw it. In the center point of the circle of gems, safely buried deep inside the glass container and glowing brightly once more, was the Purple Energem.

"It worked!"

Chase glanced over at Kendall as her Energem shot a blast of violet light at her, encasing her body as she let out a scream. Chase tried to touch her, but the case of light threw him back. He stared at her in dismay.

"What's going on?" Shelby's frightened whimper cut through the air. "Is something wrong?"

"It looks like it," Ivan gasped. "Someone take the Energem away!" Tyler obeyed immediately, but the Purple Energem burned him as soon as it touched his skin. He withdrew his hand quickly.

Everyone began breathing heavily until the energy finally disappeared. Chase gazed at Kendall and what he saw made his heart burst with happiness. She was completely healed! The bleeding wound on her chest had closed up and the blood on her eye had also disappeared, leaving just a small, visible cut.

"Kendall, you're okay!" Chase threw his arms around her as he picked her up and held her close to his chest. "You really are okay!"

Kendall gazed into his dark eyes, but half of her vision felt entirely obscured. That half was completely black.

"Chase, I... I can't really see you."

"What do you mean?"

She blinked questioningly at him. "I can't see part of you."

"What?" Feeling a bit suspicious, he gently inspected her previously injured eye. As it began glazing over, he knew exactly what had happened. She had been blinded in her left eye.

"Kendall... oh God... you're... you're half-blind."

"What?" Kendall squirmed away from Chase and slowly stood up, fetching her Energem from the glass jar and turning it over in her hands. "Shouldn't that be just temporary?"

"I hope so," he murmured. "But in the meantime, we need to find out the whereabouts of Koda, Riley, and the Prince. As long as they're still around, you'll always be in danger."

"Great. Just great." Kendall angrily stalked away. Tyler slowly picked up her glasses and thrust them into her hand. Though she was already temporarily blind, she put them on and tried to climb out of the ravine. Again, however, because of her impaired vision, she ended up slipping when she was about halfway up and crashed back down to the floor of the ravine.

"Maybe I should help you until you get your sight back," Chase sighed, helping her up once again. "We'll wait until then to battle the others." Defeated, the Purple Ranger allowed him to guide her movements until they had completely exited the dry ravine. At that moment, she gently grasped his hand and looked up at him serenely.

"When will I be able to have my full sight back again?" she asked shakily, shivering at the frightening memory of Prince Phillip stabbing her in the eye.

"Pretty soon. In fact, you may have it back before the end of the day, but I still can't leave you on your own. I- I can't bear to let anything else bad happen to you." Kendall sighed in frustration as the other Rangers climbed out of the ravine behind them.

"You okay?" Tyler questioned. Kendall gave him a stinging glare, shaking her head fiercely.

Shelby drew away from the group as she felt the chocolate-brown eyes rest on her. She just couldn't bring herself to apologize to her for actually wanting to kill her, even for a second. Ivan stared at her for a moment before turning his attention away from her. Kendall closed her eyes again as Chase wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him as she allowed herself to lean against him. He really does love me, she realized. And I just recognized how much I truly love him back.

"Let's go," James exclaimed, though he couldn't help smiling as he glanced at the Purple and Black Rangers together.

"But where will we go?" Kendall protested. "Riley, Koda and Prince Phillip know we used Chase's and Shelby's houses as refuges; they might think we'll return there. The only place we have protection from them is the Dino Lab, but there's no necessities there for us to survive on."

"Plus, they may also think that we'll use the rest of our houses for sanctuary too," Tyler added nervously. "So... we have nowhere to go."

Chase was shocked. He let go of Kendall and she stumbled away from him toward Shelby, who had turned away and was trying to run.

"Shelby, where are you going?"

The Pink Ranger glanced back at her. "I..."

"Is there something you want to tell us?"

Shelby rolled her eyes. She knows the look.

Tyler ambled over to them. "Shelby, just tell her. You'll end up feeling guilty otherwise."


Kendall leaned in against her as the vision in her left eye quickly began to return. "What is it? Is it about when you were being mind-controlled earlier and almost tried to kill me again? It's okay, you couldn't help it."

"But I wasn't being controlled," Shelby burst out. "I was completely myself. But for a second before Tyler stopped me, I actually wanted to kill you. I'm sorry, but I felt like you weren't going to be okay. I thought you were going to die before the others came back and when Tyler said that you would be fine, I accidentally let my anger take over and I let myself think that Tyler wanted you dead. I thought that if I killed you, then it would make him happy, despite knowing that it wouldn't. But I... I knew what I was doing and I didn't stop until he held me back. And..." A tear trickled down her cheek.

"Shelby, why...?" Kendall started crying too, turning away from Shelby. "Why? How could you? I never-" She broke off, her voice fading into nothing and ran off, dodging through the trees and disappearing as she hit the street.

"Miss Morgan!" Shelby cried. "Wait! I'm so sorry!" No answer.

"Come on!" Chase shouted. Without waiting for a reply from any of the rest of them, he took off in the direction that Kendall had taken. After running for about a half hour, he finally found her, crouched behind a dirty box in an alley, tears pouring down her face as she gazed upwards, fear shining in her brown eyes.

And apparently, she wasn't alone.

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